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Sat 2nd Sep 2023 at 9:01am by geordiegirl

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

The Berkeley Marathons

(Forgot to start watch friends recorded 29.78)

Split Summary
1) 1mi - 12:01(12:01/mi) 157/173bpm [1886b/mi] 124cal 230/307W
2) 1mi - 13:39(13:39/mi) 165/176bpm [2252b/mi] 142cal 199/310W
3) 1mi - 14:06(14:06/mi) 168/179bpm [2368b/mi] 154cal 192/359W
4) 1mi - 14:02(14:02/mi) 162/175bpm [2274b/mi] 149cal 175/345W
5) 1mi - 14:05(14:05/mi) 163/176bpm [2296b/mi] 144cal 164/328W
6) 1mi - 18:28(18:28/mi) 152/173bpm [2806b/mi] 145cal 95/309W
7) 1mi - 13:54(13:54/mi) 158/175bpm [2197b/mi] 125cal 183/310W
8) 1mi - 15:02(15:02/mi) 149/171bpm [2239b/mi] 108cal 148/296W
9) 1mi - 16:10(16:10/mi) 159/180bpm [2572b/mi] 140cal 121/311W
10) 1mi - 25:27(25:27/mi) 149/170bpm [3793b/mi] 169cal 63/304W
11) 1mi - 22:30(22:30/mi) 155/173bpm [3487b/mi] 188cal 75/447W
12) 1mi - 25:10(25:10/mi) 153/170bpm [3849b/mi] 187cal 69/544W
13) 1mi - 20:21(20:21/mi) 153/173bpm [3115b/mi] 169cal 89/488W
14) 1mi - 33:31(33:31/mi) 148/177bpm [4962b/mi] 218cal 34/480W
15) 1mi - 24:44(24:44/mi) 140/161bpm [3462b/mi] 116cal 53/262W
16) 1mi - 21:31(21:31/mi) 151/165bpm [3250b/mi] 157cal 87/379W
17) 1mi - 34:38(34:38/mi) 140/177bpm [4848b/mi] 181cal 35/372W
18) 1mi - 26:16(26:16/mi) 136/160bpm [3571b/mi] 124cal 53/285W
19) 1mi - 19:17(19:17/mi) 143/161bpm [2757b/mi] 118cal 93/290W
20) 1mi - 22:46(22:46/mi) 138/160bpm [3142b/mi] 127cal 90/273W
21) 1mi - 20:27(20:27/mi) 140/164bpm [2862b/mi] 117cal 71/262W
22) 1mi - 22:00(22:00/mi) 141/159bpm [3102b/mi] 124cal 63/333W
23) 1mi - 20:51(20:51/mi) 137/152bpm [2857b/mi] 103cal 59/256W
24) 1mi - 23:35(23:35/mi) 134/151bpm [3159b/mi] 119cal 51/311W
25) 1mi - 24:27(24:27/mi) 133/146bpm [3253b/mi] 114cal 54/307W
26) 1mi - 33:27(33:27/mi) 129/152bpm [4314b/mi] 150cal 37/301W
27) 1mi - 20:01(20:01/mi) 128/141bpm [2563b/mi] 102cal 64/276W
28) 1mi - 22:57(22:57/mi) 127/145bpm [2915b/mi] 117cal 62/207W
29) 1mi - 15:55(15:55/mi) 133/149bpm [2118b/mi] 100cal 105/272W
30) 0.05mi - 1:15(23:52/mi) 154/159bpm [3675b/mi] 13cal 98/283W
12:01 13:39 14:06 14:02 14:05 18:28 13:54 15:02 16:10 25:27 22:30 25:10 20:21 33:31 24:44 21:31 34:38 26:16 19:17 22:46 20:27 22:00 20:51 23:35 24:27 33:27 20:01 22:57 15:55 1:15
Amazing xx
Well done 👏👏👏
Well done, very impressive!
Epically well done!
Congratulations! That's a very long marathon
Eynsham Red
Great effort GG. Well done.
Wow! Quite an achievement! The thought of it makes me feel exhausted! In fact you were running quite near where we used to live in South Gloucestershire until about 20 years ago. You had the privilege of running by the 2 'famous' power stations at Berkeley & Sharpness! And the Cotswolds area near Dursley is really beautiful country.
Awe thanks everyone it’s been probably my favourite ‘race’ weekend ever it was THE best. We aimed for 1 with a stretch to 2. We came in fresh enough to go back with 13.5hr to spare BUT we had long drives ahead and thought it sensible to get some sleep. I’ll be back though
Blog is now up! Bring a cuppa though.


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Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 12:01 12:01 12:01 157 93-173 1886 163 80-172 243 88-307 17/18
2.00 25:41 13:40 13:40 165 148-176 2256 154 82-250 222 2-310 24/18
3.00 39:45 14:04 14:04 168 138-179 2364 157 80-176 250 86-359 34/23
4.00 53:48 14:02 14:02 162 145-175 2274 151 80-214 216 42-345 35/32
5.00 1:07:53 14:05 14:05 163 142-176 2296 142 80-242 212 12-328 23/27
6.00 1:26:20 18:28 18:28 152 122-173 2806 129 34-174 173 38-309 30/14
7.00 1:40:15 13:55 13:55 158 122-175 2199 155 96-250 197 44-310 77/7
8.00 1:55:16 15:01 15:01 149 120-171 2237 138 86-246 171 25-296 106/13
9.00 2:11:27 16:11 16:11 159 121-180 2573 128 36-250 188 40-311 55/103
10.00 2:37:04 25:37 +9 25:37 149 125-170 3816 110 38-214 147 1-304 74/65
11.00 2:59:33 22:29 22:29 155 121-173 3484 126 30-176 163 7-447 80/113
12.00 3:24:43 25:10 25:10 153 127-170 3851 116 30-172 199 18-544 79/62
13.00 3:45:06 20:23 20:23 153 118-173 3118 136 32-248 170 1-488 54/79
14.00 4:18:37 33:31 33:31 148 118-177 4961 111 30-170 146 1-480 57/68
15.00 4:43:20 24:44 24:44 140 120-161 3462 121 38-172 120 1-262 121/6
16.00 5:04:52 21:32 21:32 151 120-165 3250 99 30-162 162 37-379 9/113
17.00 5:39:28 34:36 34:36 140 115-177 4845 118 32-182 117 1-372 17/67
18.00 6:05:42 26:14 26:14 136 115-160 3567 134 38-250 149 5-285 17/33
19.00 6:25:00 19:18 19:18 143 126-161 2761 125 80-186 144 27-290 15/38
20.00 6:47:49 22:49 22:49 138 104-160 3148 146 34-250 181 23-273 17/33
21.00 7:08:13 20:24 20:24 140 110-164 2856 123 80-250 135 1-262 34/31
22.00 7:30:13 22:00 22:00 141 123-159 3102 119 36-176 139 16-333 18/28
23.00 7:51:04 20:51 20:51 137 121-152 2857 113 80-174 114 1-256 25/27
24.00 8:14:40 23:35 23:35 134 118-151 3161 110 38-168 120 15-311 29/22
25.00 8:39:06 24:26 24:26 133 118-146 3251 109 38-174 110 10-307 35/10
26.00 9:12:33 33:27 33:27 129 110-152 4315 108 32-166 115 9-301 39/28
27.00 9:32:34 20:01 20:01 128 112-141 2563 107 38-184 110 15-276 14/22
28.00 9:55:31 22:57 22:57 127 104-145 2914 115 40-174 115 28-207 17/54
29.00 10:11:26 15:55 15:55 133 104-149 2117 116 82-244 133 47-272 15/14
29.05 10:12:41 1:15 24:27 154 144-159 3764 154 88-180 221 21-283 0/1

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    144 avge / 180 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    173 8.9% 28:40
    110 8.8% 26:37
    108 11.9% 35:30
    104 9.8% 25:57
    80 13.6% 28:14
    73 4.4% 19:27
  • Cadence Distribution

    127 avge / 250 max Stride Length: 61cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 24.5 166 12.5 2:29:44 12:00
    Walk 49.2 107 16.6 5:01:15 18:11
    Still 26.4 - - 2:41:33 -
    Pause 0.0 - - 9 -
  • Power Distribution

    161W (544 max)
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 2:35 10:23 38.65% More
    800m 5:20 10:44 41.22% More
    1km 6:57 11:11 41.26% More
    Mile 12:00 12:00 40.67% More
    5k 41:00 13:12 41.56% More
    5 miles 1:07:50 13:34 41.04% More
    10k 1:28:44 14:17 39.29% More
    10 miles 2:37:04 15:42 36.60% More
    Half 3:48:17 17:26 33.14% More
    20 miles 6:47:49 20:23 29.02% More
    Mara 9:16:59 21:16 28.16% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 14:21 14:21 33.99
    5km 50:21 16:12 33.85
    5M 1:25:15 17:03 32.65
    10km 1:48:26 17:27 32.15
    10M 3:03:36 18:22 31.31
    Half 4:07:34 18:54 30.35
    20M 6:35:26 19:46 29.93
    Mara 8:53:11 20:21 29.42

Bespoke Fields

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