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Swindon 10k

Listed by mar
  • Rated 75%
  • 10km
  • Mixed
Entrants (18)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Macca @ McCarkiss Endurance Project
Kenilworth Runners, McCarkiss Endurance Project
32:17 37:38 38:04 69.35
Andrew I
35:01 35:40 35:40 74.45
Running Fish felt like i was running ok, but watch said otherwise. not sure if it's because i'm tired or just crap.
35:39 36:05 36:53 76.67
Peacey Swindon 10k. Wet, Muddy (In Places) windy, flat (ish) but all in all a pretty quick course.
Oh and a nice shiny new 10k PB :-) which im well pleased with after this weekends mishaps.
Write up to follow....
White Horse Harriers AC
36:35 38:45 38:45 68.23
B Rubble Bad run, went well for first 3km then lost it.
Dursley Running Club
38:50 39:32 40:18 69.61
Mattw4de I'm on a roll. Last effort this year for another PB!
Gloucester AAC
39:20 40:22 39:50 40:29 65.31
Neal Lyon A fast start gave me good opportunity for pb - and I got it, even though I was running on fumes for last 2k - well done to everyone else who took part; I thought it was a tough race (cos it was flat and fast) and thankfully the worst of the weather held off!
42:21 42:21 43:00 42:21 62.34
Swindon Harriers
42:39 46:25 47:00 46:42 56.53
Chineham Park Running Club
44:17 45:40 50:00 46:13 58.16
44:39 46:18 48:14 59.58
fungel I enjoyed that, met some fetchies.especially the muddy bits and i got a PB by over 1 minute.
Wroughton Whippets
48:27 49:31 49:59 49:31 54.59
Em as this is only round the corner feel I have to enter it!!  run part of it for a 4 miler, could be fast if weather allows.  ran some it as training and garmin said 6 miles in 53 minutes so hope to do better in race!!!

Well, the weather was dreadful when we walked the dogs an hour before, rain and biting wind but luckily it held off for most of the run, bad time, didnt go fast enough at the start, mile 3 was teh worst but then thats going slightly up hill!!!  Didnt find this easy as back was playing up during week, hip and knee hurt at 8k but so far ok now.  

Well done everyone, sorry to those who bet on me
51:08 54:37 53:00 54:37 53.64
Slinn Allstars
52:22 52:22 1:00:00 52:22 58.21
54:00 54:00 55:00 54:00 54.75
mar so would like to get sub 1 hr, last time at this distance over a year ago with knee problems 67 mins..lots of miles and training done since then!!....oooh I did it thats 11 mins off my previous pb and 2 mins+ better than I predicted!!
shin splints
54:27 56:53 59:00 56:53 52.55
55:10 55:10 57:00 51.26
56:37 56:37 56:37 53.13
tulip It's flat (apparently!) so should have good PB potential!

***EDIT*** I am SURE I came in under 1 hr 5 but have to wait for results on website as I left stopwatch in car! Met some fellow Fetchies, was a good run!

***UPDATE*** YES I did it! Much better than expected! Am very happy with result :-)
1:01:10 1:02:55 1:05:00 1:02:55 46.76

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