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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Grim Challenge

  • Rated 69%
  • 8mi
  • Xc
Entrants (30)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
topcorner My home town race - I've never done it before so I've got no idea of a predicted time. Team FETCH is gonna have a large showing here this year.

I HAVE done some training on the army land here though and it's gonna be VERY WET and VERY MUDDY, can't wait.
Sandhurst Joggers
48:45 56:00
Damo666 9th on the day - winning mixed team and winning overall team
Striders of Croydon AC
57:03 57:03 1:05:00 57:03 60.96
Bournemouth AC, Zoom Tri Club
1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 57.12
Ashford and District RRC
1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:52 52.01
Konaboy Feeling good - Looking to beat last year's time. Might depend on congestion, route & amount of water en route.  Will try best for team. ***Update*** Thoroughly enjoyed race, meeting with loads of other Fetchies (before & after) & running in glorious sunshine.  Pleased with PB although I think I could've gone faster,  I'll try again next December!!
Reading Roadrunners
1:08:42 1:08:42 1:09:00 1:08:42 51.88
Jigs What a race ! Cold, wet, wet, cold, wet again, and some more cold...but lots of fun :)
Good result too, would've been a couple of minutes quicker if I hadn't had to go back and pick up my Garmin that I lost at the cargo net!!
Lots of Fetchies, great support from Han and Stumpy for towel, cakes and hot drinks :)
Nice T-shirt at finish. I'll do this one again :)
1:11:20 1:11:20 1:11:20 49.28
1:11:45 1:11:45 1:11:45 47.87
RG Postie (RGP) A wet,cold and knackering run but great fun,improved on last years time but feel I could've ran quicker if my knee hadn't given out at around 4M but neverless very pleased,quite a few PB's were got this morning,a fantastic Fetch turnout making this even more enjoyable,plenty of old and new faces,thanks to Hanneke and Stumpy for their support,hot drinks and cake,and followed up with a drink or two in the pub after,an excellent morning.
Reading Roadrunners
1:15:57 1:15:57 1:20:00 1:15:57 45.79
McGoohan UPDATE - don't bet on me! I've crocked my hip. IF I run, I'll most likely be very slow. Soz folks (esp to Kimberlina who's already bet)
2nd UPDATE. Well you can ignore that advice cause I went for the Saturday run and did it 8 mins quicker than last year! :-)
1:16:05 1:16:05 1:25:00 1:16:05 48.37
Hills of Death (HOD) Feel like I didn't pull the full effort in as my legs feel fine today. Apparently it was 8.5/8.7 miles no garmin didn't want to risk it (unlike Jigs ;) ) thought as much when the mile markers disappeared after 6 !!!
Started off nice and gentle at the back of the crowd with
Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners
1:18:00 1:18:00 1:18:00 44.59
100 Marathon Club, Highland Hill Runners
1:12:25 1:21:30 1:30:00 1:21:30 42.88
sammie Would love to break this time as iam sure i have come along way from the 1:38 i did last year. Fingers crossed!! Slightly easier than last time. This was such good fun as i ran with my boyfriend and sister on my birthday. Glutton for punishment springs to mind though!
1:21:58 1:21:58 1:22:00 1:21:58 45.61
Puffing Bertie Wow well something worked..........20.5 mins better than last year :-)

That is the most brilliant, funny, laugh making race i have done this year and i will defo be back for the next one:-)

Very glad the sun came out for us cos i was soooooo cold to start with but warmed up very soon and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
1:23:24 1:23:24 1:23:24 47.24
Raymac This race is going to be utter madness! But really looking forward to meeting other Fetchies and the pre race socialising!!!! Don,t really know what to expect but I'm up for it!
Was well worth the distance to travel to do it. Thanks to all the other Fetchies for companionship and support! Thanks to Han for towel & cakes but omg what was in that cup at the end???
Next year!
Inverness Harriers AAC
1:25:04 1:25:04 1:30:00 1:25:04 42.91
1:26:44 1:26:44 1:26:44 40.10
1:28:00 1:28:00 1:28:00 42.65
Footpad Splashed, waded and laughed round in under 1.30 so a good result. What a great fun race. Got a bit cold to start with and then soon warmed up as the race progressed. Loved every second even when I went down in the waist deep water! Oh and why have I got sand in every nook and cranny?? hehe
1:13:43 1:29:40 1:35:00 1:29:40 40.06
CB. great race
1:31:00 1:32:00 1:32:00 39.36
StringSideUp Looking at RW photos of crazy people running through deep muddy water in the past, never thought I'd be one of them.  But what fun.  Notes to self: wear shorts, not cut-off 3/4 length tracksters next time.  And DON'T give blood the week before!!  Knackered and below par the whole way round.
1:32:05 1:32:05 1:32:05 44.65
Making_Tracks Looking to getting seriously muddy!

Fantastic fun.  Great to meet loads of Fetchies.
1:32:32 1:32:32 1:30:00 1:32:32 42.58
1:00:54 1:33:00 1:33:00 37.58
RuthB2 This was so much fun, running through puddles from ankle deep to thigh deep. Very friendly atmosphere, great to meet lots of Fetchies, with support all the way around. Very tiring though, and lack of mile markers made the last few miles seem never ending. Will be back next year.
1:01:26 1:36:37 1:36:37 38.73
wendyjames Estimated time, awaiting results.

Feel really pleased with myself as 8 miles is now the furthest I've ever run (6 miles previously).  I had so much fun my spectator boyfriend is talking about joining in next year - and he doesn't even run!

As a shortie those puddles were very high but my new winter running gear was worth every penny spent!
1:36:59 1:36:59 1:36:59 38.58
Max71 I'm so excited about this....God know why, but I am.  I think it's going to be a laugh.....******well it's done and dusted now, fantastic day out masses of Fetchies.  I expected to come in around my 10 mile time to allow for the X country stuff.  Actually came out as 8.46 miles on my garmin....Laughing, splashing, falling, smiling, soaking, grinning, shouting, cheering......followed by beer.  What more could you ask for?
1:37:48 1:37:48 1:50:00 1:37:48 38.79
Lady Sol
Anstey Amblers and Runners
1:42:41 1:43:57 1:43:57 35.96
Moschops Had lots of fun, no where near as GRM as I expected. Took it at a nice gentle pace and had a giggle.
1:45:00 1:45:00 1:45:00 36.27
Badger Ran with sly1who was suffering a 48-hour hangover and not at her fastest; so, it took nearly as long as my half-marathon PB (and hers for that matter!) :)  After the lousy weather overnight, it was completely clear sky and not a drop of rain. The route for the most part was surprisingly dry as well, apart from the bits that were just mud and massive holes full of water. Good fun and less nasty than I'd expected - not that many deep puddles (but quite enough I'd say!) and only one cargo net which was a good two feet off the ground and easy to get under. Lost the third member of our team (Making Tracks) before kick-off and didn't find her until the end. Oops. Met a load of fetchies, sorry not to find you in the pub folks, circs got a little beyond our control.
1:24:20 1:45:49 1:45:49 33.95
sly1 I can only blame the hangover!
1:46:05 1:46:05 1:46:05 35.37
Toks I really enjoyed the race and always lovely to meet fellow fetchies, the weather was lovely!!
1:58:15 1:58:15 1:58:15 31.97

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