Jun 2020
11:07pm, 3 Jun 2020
10,080 posts
Thanks Becca, I'll take a look.
I struggle with yoga as last time I tried a class with an actual real life teacher in a real place, the beginners class was way too hard for me as I'm just not bendy enough for even the basics.
E.g. sitting cross-legged, which I've never once been able to do comfortably for more than about a minute.
But I'll try. Need to do something to help my hips and core.
Jun 2020
6:46am, 4 Jun 2020
8,133 posts
I use a block (pillow/cushion/folded blanket would work too) for most of the seated postures. Just gives my hips a bit more help. I’m all for using stuff to make the postures more comfortable - it means you relax more and your muscles will be able to lengthen.
Jun 2020
7:01am, 4 Jun 2020
14,102 posts
Hello all
I'm pretty new to yoga I'm following the 30 days with Adrienne from 2015 in day 20 but not done or every day.
What I didn't realise is how inflexible I've become over the years and actually how hunched my back really is.
The back is the thing id like to sort the most.
Main problem for me is a lack of right arm (who'd a thought that would make it difficult?) Down dog stresses the wrist and 3 legged dog really stresses my wrist.
Being me I just bat through.
My implants battery just under the left shoulder also seems to be in the worst place.
Just wanted to say hi
Jun 2020
7:14am, 4 Jun 2020
8,134 posts
Thanks for the perspective, Rich. Do you want to continue to bat through? Or do you want ideas to modify? As you can see from above I like to modify. how do you get on with plank?
Jun 2020
7:32am, 4 Jun 2020
14,103 posts
Hi yes I always want to adapt and modify.
Plank is ok actually, both low and high. I tend not to stay in it longer than a minute nowadays.
Jun 2020
9:55am, 4 Jun 2020
8,135 posts
Well I was going to say go to knees (tabletop) for 3 legged dog...and even for down dog...do tabletop instead but keep trying with the full dog for short periods so that you build strength for the left wrist. I do find Adrienes cue of "claw through the fingers" helps take pressure out of my wrists....have you tried that one?
If plank for a minute is ok then hopefully soon your wrist will adapt to down dog too...more experiences yogis might have more tips about bringing the pressure back to legs more too?
Jun 2020
10:13am, 4 Jun 2020
10,094 posts
Katie - that's one of the reasons I stopped going to the class was that I needed 4million props to do the simplest thing. Like sit cross legged. My knees are up round my ears.....
Jun 2020
10:46am, 4 Jun 2020
8,136 posts
I really love my yoga block for cross legged, my knees are still not anywhere near down but my back feels easier and my hips feel more relaxed, I find they start to drop if they're relaxed. It just feels nicer. I stopped feeling like it was cheating about 3-4 years ago, now I just treat it as self-care.
Jun 2020
11:08am, 4 Jun 2020
10,095 posts
It wasn't the fact that it was "cheating" that was the problem - it's just that it made very little difference - it was still just as painful to sit cross-legged.
Most of the poses were just as bad even with things to help.
But I need to do something to help with my hips.
Jun 2020
11:20am, 4 Jun 2020
37,459 posts
Not sure if this is an option but if you have a yoga strap or a scarf or sthg similar you can have a willing friend loop it round your hips, stand behind and pull up and back to straighten back and take weight off arm.