Jun 2019
10:19pm, 10 Jun 2019
28,040 posts
I like The Mercy Seat. And it made me laugh.
Jun 2019
11:03pm, 10 Jun 2019
172 posts
Thank god for Google that went right over my head lol.
Well done Gobi and LindsD
I swam and survived. The plan is to keep it going another few weeks once I start feeling more comfortable in the water I'll join in with the club sessions again.
Jun 2019
8:15am, 11 Jun 2019
28,046 posts
Morning all
Jun 2019
9:11am, 11 Jun 2019
1,229 posts
I am back from the Isles of Scilly!
What. A. Weekend.
Turns out Otillo races are by far the friendliest, best races I have ever been to / competed in.
I entered the sprint with a team mate on Saturday which amounted to about 10.25 miles of running and swimming in an approximate 70/30 split. The weather was appalling on the drive down and I had real fears the planes would be cancelled (its a 30 min flight from Newquay). Managed to get there on possibly the most nerve wracking flight, taking off sideways, bouncing a lot on landing etc. Newquay airport was a sea of Otillo and Ironman bags, there's a definite crossover.
Checked into the hotel and in for the race, chatting to people, then out for a couple of beers before a recce of the first run and swim.
Next morning the wind had died off a lot and was coming in from the west, which meant that the vast majority of swims would be in sheltered bays. We kicked off at 9am with Lucy Gossage taking an early lead in the solo group. firs run was up a v steep hill, which strung us all out, and into the swim. a nice 400 mtr jaunt across a flat calm bay. It was chilly, a bit seaweedy but all good. Rock climb to get out and onto the 2nd run round the headland, the race followed this pattern for a while (2kish run, 400mtr swim) Saw a sea at one point!
We stopped to help a team who were suffering with cramp in one of the swims, helping them back into shore.
As we approached the last swim it was very clear that the easy swims were over. Marshalls advised us to swim to the right, as the tidal currents would naturally drag us towards the rocks, then we could go round the headland and head back in. Waves were going between 3 to 5 feet which was causing some issues for my breathing especially as I can only breath right and as I started to swim parallel I was taking on a lot of water which was making me feel very sick. Things didn't get easier as we headed to the shore and turned right again. Final run was 500 mtrs and across the line for a surprise interview :D
It was by far the best even I've ever done and will be going back without fail.
Jun 2019
9:13am, 11 Jun 2019
26,985 posts
Morning all. You're going to curl your collective lip at my dilemma.
I want to enter another lido tri, but they've changed the distances. The short distance (400m swim, 10k bike, 2.5km run ) seems like a backward step. The slightly longer distance is 750/20k/5k. It's the swim that's putting me off. If it was 800m I wouldn't worry, but in a 50m pool doesn't 750 mean I have to haul myself out at the deep end? With no assistance? My upper body strength just isn't up to that :-(. I know that's pathetic.
Jun 2019
9:21am, 11 Jun 2019
4,194 posts
Sounds amazing reco!
LD - is it a fairly friendly, local event? At my local pool tri, which finishes in the deep end, I know some people request going in the side lanes where they can get out using the steps - is that a possibility? Or maybe it starts in the deep end and finishes in the shallow end? Worth checking before you rule it out.
Jun 2019
9:33am, 11 Jun 2019
67,122 posts
You start at the deep end ?
Why is shorter a step back , race harder
Watt bike , app crashed, grumpy
Jun 2019
9:47am, 11 Jun 2019
2,679 posts
You're makiing me really want to try the swim run thing, young Reco. I doubt there are any anywhere even slightly near the low countries, but worth looking into, perhaps...
Jun 2019
10:21am, 11 Jun 2019
15,217 posts
Angus Clydesdale
You could go North and do the original, Rae?
LD, surely you could use the steps if it finishes at the Deep End? It might cost you a few seconds crossing over to them (assuming you weren’t lucky enough to draw an outside lane), but probably way less than you’d lose by floundering up over the side.
Jun 2019
10:27am, 11 Jun 2019
6,533 posts
Recoil's making me jealous. One for next year perhaps.