RW Mature Runners

2 lurkers | 12 watchers
11 Sep
11:07pm, 11 Sep 2024
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Good sesh hillstrider.
Wtnmel glad the foot is less painful though still limiting I'm sure.
Just recovery runs here, still a bit stiff from Sunday.
12 Sep
2:02pm, 12 Sep 2024
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Thanks 0061. A good idea just doing recovery runs after the GNR.

I decided to take a running rest day today, after yesterday's interval session. To make up for it, I did a speedy walk to and from the supermarket to buy a couple of newspapers. Total distance 1 mile.
13 Sep
11:06am, 13 Sep 2024
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The usual Friday Farmers Walk this morning.
13 Sep
10:03pm, 13 Sep 2024
281 posts
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Hillstrider I also had a long walk to Delavel Hall which had an open day. Cool but lovely weather today. Windy Nook parkrun tomorrow in the hunt for an age cat record.
14 Sep
2:57pm, 14 Sep 2024
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0061, I hope that the Windy Nook parkrun went well today, and that you got an age category record!

No parkrun for me today, as a couple of the team were away for the weekend. Instead, I ran 6.4 miles with Sarah H and Giuliana, including 5k round the forest loop. They both had a fall, but thankfully were unhurt, and able to continue running.
15 Sep
10:28am, 15 Sep 2024
39 posts
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HS Why are all your running friends having accidents? No foul play involved I hope ? :)

0061 What was Windy Nook like? Did you manage to get the age cat record?

WtnMel I hope the foot is improving. I agree with HS - that business with the choir does indeed sound complicated. I'm glad it hasn't put you off though.

We went to the reservoir on Thursday, Steve to walk and me to do another Garmin training run. I was supposed to run one mile fairly easily, then 200m flat out, followed by 600m almost as fast (no paces suggested) then another mile fairly fast, finishing with a cool down run for 4 mins. The idea was to keep running but at varying speeds. When I thought I'd completed the session I checked my watch which seemed to indicate I had more running to do. So I'm not sure whether I misread the instructions or (possibly) pressed Resume instead of End. The annoying thing is once the session has been done it's not possible to see the instructions, so I can't check it. I just have a vague memory of doing this session in the past and having to repeat the 200 and 600 again.

In the afternoon we went blackberrying, and needless to say got caught in the rain. However we did manage to fill two tupperware containers, so have put some in the freezer, kept some for breakfasts and will be having blackberry crumble later today with the remainder.
Yesterday was a slow parkrun as it was Steve's first run for a week. The anniversary meal we had last Friday gave him food poisoning, so he hasn't felt up to running this last week. On a more positive note, although it was a slow run he managed to keep going without needing to walk at all, so can now move on to the last week of his couch to 5k.
15 Sep
3:42pm, 15 Sep 2024
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Aquarius, I've no idea why they keep falling, probably a lack of concentration on the terrain. It's very dodgy underfoot at present with hard rutted mud, numerous raised roots and other trip hazards.

Your training session on Thursday at the reservoir sounded a bit like a structured fartlek session. The afternoon blackberrying was certainly productive.

I'm sorry to hear that Steve got food poisoning from the Anniversary meal, but pleased that he was able to keep going without walking during Saturdays parkrun, and will be able to move on to the last week of his couch to 5k. My daughter is going to enrol in the next couch to 5k session in Aylesbury which commences in October. She is also swimming twice a week now, so is making the effort to get fit.

This morning I ran a solo and very hilly 8 miles in the forest. I believe that they will begin introducing pigs back into the forest to eat the acorns which are poison to the ponies next week.
15 Sep
3:47pm, 15 Sep 2024
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16 Sep
2:21pm, 16 Sep 2024
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Another 8 miles in the forest this morning, but with Sarah F and Mike. We were trying to find new routes to help with my target of 1000 circles for the month. We made 82, bringing my total to 708.
16 Sep
4:54pm, 16 Sep 2024
2,736 posts
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Apologies for being AWOL lately - been sat on my bum for a week and feeling fed up ..

HS - lots of good training going on I see. Hope your running friends STOP falling over.

OO61 - I seem to remember visiting Delavel Hall the last time we were in Northumberland (the one with the upside-down room?).

Aquarius - re the choir, now I know where to pitch my voice that helps. Reading the scores with all four voice parts plus piano will no doubt come with practise. But see below for a more general update re the choir. That session sounds like a 'fartlek' one to me too and I know that doing speedy bits in amongst slower parts is always good training. No blackberries for us this year because I had to drastically move/prune our brambles at the end of the garden. When my foot is better I'll be able to go out and tie the new growth up against the fence ready for next year. Sorry to hear Steve's birthday meal ended up with him getting food poisoning - the last thing you need!

The foot seems better today. I was actually going to venture outside for the first time for over a week and planned to walk slowly into the village and wear my new 'rocker' Saucony shoes to get a birthday card for Margaret. But our neighbour's sister arrived earlier and I'm waiting in to get her email address. Our neighbour (her brother) was unwell recently but we had no way of alerting her (or his brother). We only found out by a stroke of luck that he was in hospital. All being well, I'll be okay to drive into Cheltenham on Wed to pay a cheque in to the bank (the new function on the banking app is utterly useless and doesn't work) and to get Margaret a small present. We've re-booked the hotel in York for next month and Margaret's big(ish) present will be afternoon tea at Betty's tea rooms. But on her birthday itself next Monday, I've booked a table at a restaurant we like in Cheltenham for a birthday lunch.

Aquarius was asking about the choir and I think I've joined the it at the wrong time of year. They are doing a show in December and already practising 'Christmassy' songs - I don't fancy singing about snow and reindeer for the next three months :( I didn't get there last week due to my foot and will miss this week for the same reason (can't stand for too long). Maybe I'll give the choir a miss until the Spring term?

About This Thread

Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..

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