Indoor Rowing

1 lurker | 44 watchers
Jun 2020
5:57pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Anaemic so need to build up slowing as the body builds up the iron levels again. Have printed the concept beginners plan off today and will start that tomorrow (tonight is the turn of the turbo)
Jun 2020
6:09pm, 22 Jun 2020
6,597 posts
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Good work MM! I like the C2 workout of the day too, it gives ideas for short, medium and long workouts so you don't get tired of doing the same old thing:
Jun 2020
7:00pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Ok so I’m be done my warm up, I’m sitting on the rower now, I’ve got all the fans going and the big doors open and it’s still 32c in here.

I am literally trying to think of anything else I can look at on fetch to avoid starting this session! It’s going to be grim!
Jun 2020
7:08pm, 22 Jun 2020
36,569 posts
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Well that as rubbish. Didn’t even get half way through the first 1km. Plan was 4 x 1km intervals at race pace (1:47 or better). Couldn’t even get to 1:47 let alone hold it for a K. Binned it off just before 400m.

I’m going to take the rest of the evening off.
Jun 2020
7:47pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Sorry to hear that Nellers - you gave it a go at least but it’s horrible in the heat.
Jun 2020
8:26pm, 22 Jun 2020
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Sounds wise, Nellers. Tbh in that kind of heat I'd just do steady stuff. Hot weather and I do not get on.

Oh, and MM -- what better excuse could you need to drink Guinness?
Jun 2020
8:45pm, 22 Jun 2020
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If only Mutley - sadly I can have nothing that has yeast in.....
Jun 2020
9:33pm, 22 Jun 2020
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^ :-(
Jun 2020
10:53am, 23 Jun 2020
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Cats Whiskers
Glad you're well enough to be back on the rower, MM. Hope you and your mum are recovering quickly.

Nellers, I don't blame you for taking the sensible option last night. You might as well have set the erg up in a sauna if it was that hot before you started!

SK – Thanks for the reminder about the C2 workout of the day. I'd forgotten about that (even though I get the email every day!) and might give those a go as I'm struggling a bit with motivation at the moment. Think I need some time off-plan to work on technique and rebuild fitness, so that might just do the trick.
Jun 2020
7:48pm, 23 Jun 2020
9,841 posts
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Evening all and hope you have recovered from the heat Nellers. It was a tad warm in summer house tonight.

Plan said row for 3 mins, then walk about and repeat 3 times if you could. This was the result. Am a tad warm and drippy

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Fenners reborn 8:25
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03

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