Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 95 watchers
Aug 2023
9:47am, 4 Aug 2023
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I'm glad my gym works it all out for me and I just have to show up! I'd never attempt most of the exercises or work as hard if I was left to my own devices in a big box gym. The mass classes there don't work for me either as I struggle to hear the instructor over the pounding music.
We work with a coach in small groups of never more than 6, on a rolling programme of 6 workouts that changes quarterly.
This is what I have to look forward to on Monday 😊
Aug 2023
9:48am, 4 Aug 2023
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Fragile Do Not Bend
My instructor would probably say Turkish get up for one of them - would that count as one exercise :)
Aug 2023
9:48am, 4 Aug 2023
9,162 posts
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All the workouts are named after films I should add.
Aug 2023
9:49am, 4 Aug 2023
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Press, squat, deadlift.
Aug 2023
10:14am, 4 Aug 2023
16,519 posts
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chunkywizard I have used this website for workout ideas. There are video clips and short explanations describing how to do each exercise. Not as good as a personal coach but…!

Thanks Alice Navidad. A couple of questions if I may.

If we look at for example

would you run through the different exercise one at a time and repeat 3 times, or do one particular exercise for 3 sets before running onto the next one?

How long would you rest for between sets/ exercises?

When an exercise is one sided eg one-leg calf raises would you do both legs as part of one set and repeat each leg 3 times or something different?

Thanks. A lot of learning here!
Aug 2023
10:15am, 4 Aug 2023
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chunkywizard - and indeed anybody (me included) - that's a superb answer from HK. (Always the case) Lots of really useful info. I did think you had a very long list of exercises and some nice big compound moves would serve you better and be more time effective.

Thanks Shark the Herald Angel. Can you explain what sort of compound moves you are talking about?
Aug 2023
10:17am, 4 Aug 2023
70,502 posts
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Lip Gloss
The learn to lift class is only for 4 people at a time so that they can see your strength and technique.
Aug 2023
10:17am, 4 Aug 2023
45,325 posts
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for me (another relative novice)

I would do 1 exercise at a time with 45-60 sec rest between sets (more if needed as lifting very heavy)
If doing 1 side I would do both sides (for a set) then rest and repeat for however many sets

The only time I would combine quicker is if it's different muscle groups
so I, for example, will do a squat holding dumbbells then straight into a bicep curl
Aug 2023
10:18am, 4 Aug 2023
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Homeless Kodo
Just a quick drop in.

Ha! I love this thread, proper, quality strength discussion 😀.

I’ve got nothing to add for SPR’s question. V’rap chose the 3 exercises I’d have chosen. The only thing I can see that you’d lose is trunk anti rotation, other than that pretty much everything is covered.

If I was to take it to 2 exercises it would depend on whether you needed hip or knee dominant strengthening more so I’d drop either the squat or deadlift. If I was to go one step further & go to a single exercise I’d go with FDNB on the Turkish Get Up.

AtC’s link looks like a great library of exercises so ignore what I said about looking up resources, Squat Uni’s still a quality resource though.
Thanks Sharkie, SPR, nice to know we’re all on the same page 😀

CW, the exercises I tend to go with for runners are fairly standard & they work around strengthening a movement called Triple Extension. They are:
Hip Hinge
Single Leg

Aug 2023
10:21am, 4 Aug 2023
16,521 posts
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Thanks EP and HK for the advice. I shall do some more reading on the triple extension, sounds interesting!

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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