Feb 2022
4:15pm, 27 Feb 2022
17,144 posts
After a couple of long drives with burger stop-offs (die to car charging requirements) over a 24 hour period, pretty happy with just under 6:30 pace for a hilly 4.4m league race today. Even Garmin says fitness has taken a step forward reaching the uncharted territories of 57 VO2max on the watch after languishing around 54 for an eternity.
Still too early to be upping the ambition levels I think but 7 weeks done and so far so good...
Feb 2022
7:27am, 28 Feb 2022
41,623 posts
It's good when you see a step up like that larks. Well done. G
Feb 2022
11:09am, 28 Feb 2022
19,045 posts
Well done Big G - top time, sub 3 beckons.
And well done larks 57 is higher than I've ever seen (and I'm languishing around 51 these days).
Here I banked a 50+ mile week in preparation for the Duchy 20. My tempo run for 10 miles has improved by 1 minute over the last month, which is good but annoyingly slow going.
Having to reset any expectations to a new baseline. Idea of doing a sub 8 minute 20 miles is out the window, sub 8.30 should be poss, but even then no guarantees. I think I will start 9 minute miling and aim to pick up.
Feb 2022
9:46pm, 28 Feb 2022
3,346 posts
Also clocked my first 50m week since October last year. Rest day today then get my long run in tomorrow as the weekend may not be possible. Noticed it's only 11 weeks until Stirling so better do some speedwork as i seem to be just running miles at the moment!
Watched the Scottish national xc on Saturday ( mainly from the playpark), can't say it really inspired me to re-join a club yet. Think that's mainly because i'd be so much further back in the field than pre-covid, probably a combination of faster younger guys stepping up and my lack of any speed.
Chrisull - if it's not an A-race then if you can you it progressively then you'll get the confidence of coming through the field even when you start to tire.
Feb 2022
10:01pm, 28 Feb 2022
17,172 posts
I've enjoyed the 20m South Cheshire 20 when I've started slow and come through the field, can heartily recommend it for an enjoyable 3 hours or so. Presume it's a hilly run Chris?
Mar 2022
8:54pm, 6 Mar 2022
41 posts
Long time lurker and apologies if this has been asked before. A question for those of you who have broken 3.15. What half marathon times were you running when you first broke 3.15? Appreciate that everyone converts differently but was after a bit of an idea on what may or may not be possible.
Mar 2022
9:10pm, 6 Mar 2022
4,990 posts
K5 Gus
Welcome to the thread
My first sub 3:15 was a 3:12:08, I'd done a 1:27:51 half a few weeks before.
Didn't pace the marathon well though, had cramp in last few miles and lost a bit of time - could have been faster if evenly paced.
The following year I did a 3:05 off of a 1:26:00 - that was better paced, and I'd done more long runs.
Mar 2022
9:10pm, 6 Mar 2022
4,222 posts
I took a 1:29 to 3:15 and change.
Most of the men on this thread are more speed oriented so will have faster times as they have more raw speed than many of the women who tend to "convert better".
I'd personally think a sub 1:30 is a lot easier than a 3:15, but that's mostly about the volume of training needed to maintain the pace over 26.2.
Doesn't mean it isn't possible off slower half times, lots of it depends on training volume, type and distance adaptation.
Mar 2022
9:19pm, 6 Mar 2022
5,398 posts
Windsor Wool
Curly is right of course, I'm one of the sh*t converting men. I got better over the years but still a bit crap tbh!
I converted 1:26 -> 3:14 and then when better trained for the marathon 1:23-> 2:57.
I'm in the 81 - 82 range for the HM right now but couldn't get near a sub 3 so it really 'depends'.
Mar 2022
9:19pm, 6 Mar 2022
7,690 posts
I was similar to Gus and was 1.27 for my first 3.15. Though I got my marathon time quicker before I then saw improvements at half marathon. Think females often convert better - fastest half I managed was a 1.23 and change compared to a 2.59 marathon.