Disappointed to see races still being cancelled as far forward as May and pushed to next year - a couple I had been keeping an eye on have recently bailed out. Looks like we could be in for another Summer of time trials and motor racing circuits!
Depeche, thats pretty amazing that the Next% gives you a stride length of 11cm more than the Hoka/NB. Basically the Nike carbon plate, together with the foam propells you forward further than other brands. This is just one guy, so not very scientifically significant, have there been other studies showing the same thing??
Interestingly Damo, as you might know all the research suggests most of the biomechanical advantage of these new shoes come from the foam (in the case of next percent it's the pebax) and not the plate itself -- which gives only tiny advantages. I don't know where he's got this increased stride length figure from either. Couldn't find anything online!
Your stride length can be worked out from cadence and distance, which most fitness devices pick up
Was told that Nike tech people said (to a decent runner I know) their data suggests it's nearly all foam causing the increase in speed. Carbon plate maybe stabilises the foot/ankle and stops shoe bending too much in the middle, but it's all a bit handwavey on that front.
Stick a carbon plate in an old racing flat and I think it will do next to nothing to change your speed, it's all about the bouncy Pebax
More Pebax, more free speed - as seen with the sub 2 thing
This is what I've heard, too. It's the foam that's doing the job, and the carbon plate makes it possible by preventing deformation of the foam. Given the success of the Adidas shoes in the Valencia HM in December, it's obviously not just Pebax which does this.
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