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The Coronation

28 watchers
May 2023
12:47pm, 7 May 2023
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It is deeply enlightening that nobody can rationally and calmly defend the concept of having this status by accident of birth.

I was expecting the two most common rationalisations:
The "tourism" argument which fails to address the question and presupposes that the UK is both a tourist economy and people only visit the UK because of the monarchy.

The weird idea that the only alternative is something worse - this tends to be claimed by people who display zero knowledge of how other countries are run. If an elected head of state is so bad, why stop there? Why not do away with elections altogether and upon Rishi Sunak's death or abdication his eldest child becomes Prime Minister?
May 2023
12:48pm, 7 May 2023
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Fizz :-)
I swore allegiance. I can’t find any implication that I might have to go and mow the lawns at Sandringham with that. But maybe I’ve misunderstood what I was letting myself in for.
May 2023
1:03pm, 7 May 2023
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It’s not just an accident of birth though. In days of yore there were some pretty nefarious goings on in order to get to that position and then ensure the accident of birth applied to your heirs.

Of course todays monarchy are nothing like those that came before them. However the life of wealth and privilege they have for me is inappropriate for today. Especially when there are so many at the other end of the wealth spectrum.

If Charles was to completely change the set up and give back most of what he has, whilst still having a decent lifestyle, that would be a start.
May 2023
1:37pm, 7 May 2023
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If Charles were to arrive on my doorstep one dark and stormy night asking for help because his car had broken down and Camilla had a migraine I'd take them in and make them comfortable. As I would with anyone (and as I suspect anyone posting on here would as well)

I'll be his friend but I won't be his subject.
May 2023
1:37pm, 7 May 2023
103,284 posts
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Fizz, you are down for cleaning the loos in the King's Gallery at Buckingham Palace 😂😎
May 2023
1:37pm, 7 May 2023
103,285 posts
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As Fellrunning says...
May 2023
1:47pm, 7 May 2023
2,676 posts
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It would be a step towards a more appropriate system if the UK dismantled all the exemptions from laws that the monarchy can rely on. There are dozens if not hundreds of exemptions that just reek of protectionism and secrecy.

We are not in a democracy if we have no right to hold the head of state to account.

Why should they benefit from secretive tax laws, exemptions from employment rights, or even be allowed to keep their wills private?

Either we want a democracy or we don't.
May 2023
1:51pm, 7 May 2023
3,925 posts
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Pou Pou LePhoõk
Who would be head of the church of England if England became a republic?
May 2023
1:54pm, 7 May 2023
24,807 posts
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Would the Church of England not decide. Their most important minister presumably.

There is a question mark for me over the need for a Church of England as well. In fact any type of church.
May 2023
1:55pm, 7 May 2023
2,677 posts
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It doesn't need to be the monarch - The Church of Scotland is a Presbyterian church and recognises only Jesus Christ as 'King and Head of the Church'.

About This Thread

Maintained by Muttley
So will you be waving your little union jack and pledging your allegiance and scoffing coronation chicken or quiche at a street party?

Or ignoring the whole bloated exhibition of flummery and forelock tugging to inherited privilege and finding more important things to do?

I'm in the latter camp :-)

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