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The Coronation

1 lurker | 28 watchers
May 2023
11:06am, 7 May 2023
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Actually what I'm seeing is a lot of well reasoned intelligent arguments being falsely characterised as complaining instead of debated. Oddly, mostly by people who seem to want everyone to willfully blindly accept the status quo and not question why am accident of birth gives one person dominion over others.

If you like the monarchy fine, don't call people work different views moaners, start a thread called we love the monarchy and post there if you're not willing or incapable of debate.
May 2023
11:40am, 7 May 2023
30,226 posts
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Johnny Blaze
I hope nobody is suggesting I’m a scouser. I’m from Salford!
May 2023
11:41am, 7 May 2023
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Johnny Blaze
May 2023
11:42am, 7 May 2023
103,275 posts
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Questioning the institution that is the Monarchy and being astounded such an unjust, outdated thing still exists and triggers putting up an out of scale event like the coronation is not the same as hating it...
In fact, from an anthropological point of view, I find it interesting it still exists and seems to hold a country in its grip, even in today's time of crisis.
However, as a taxpaying "unwanted alien" i.e. EU citizen ordinarily resident for 29 years, I am astounded! Astounded by how all this unnecessary spending of the taxpayers money goes to something as unnecessary as a coronation on this scale. Only in the UK it seems...
Villager to me: why do you not have bunting up? (none of my immediate neighbours have, cheeky sod!)
Me: because I cannot afford it...
That shut them up and made them think without me having to go into an exhausting conversation.

One of my major gripes is the excessive expenditure and the extra bank holiday.
Pane e Circo...
May 2023
11:43am, 7 May 2023
12,032 posts
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Its not a line I used Synge but it doesnt take too much imagination to understand what ‘Not my king’ might mean. I was as equally bewildered by people who took personal affront and offence to me not acknowledging the platinum jubilee last year.

God save the king? What does that mean and who is he being saved from?
May 2023
11:45am, 7 May 2023
18,803 posts
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I'd be ok with the monarchy as long as they crowd, or even crown, funded stuff like this.
I guess that is pretty much my view. It doesn't do me any harm, probably 30-40% of the population was watching yesterday and enjoyed it very much. Free red arrows display for Londoners. Cheap day's worth of telly for BBC. Bit of soft power/ influence for the UK with all the foreign visitors. Probably the overall cost is pretty minor in terms of overall govt spending.
May 2023
11:46am, 7 May 2023
30,228 posts
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Johnny Blaze
I guess one interpretation of that question could be “you ain’t from around here, are you, gringo?”

Welcome to the world of Lee Anderson and his mates, where republican sympathisers should either shut up or emigrate because of “insufficient patriotism”.
May 2023
11:52am, 7 May 2023
103,279 posts
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Where does that leave us? Permanently resident, tax paying foreigners without a vote? We partially fund the thing, but have no part in it...
May 2023
11:53am, 7 May 2023
2,690 posts
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Patriotism is feeding the nation, not telling them how they can make a meal for 30p, and stop going for a happy meal every day.
May 2023
11:56am, 7 May 2023
30,229 posts
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Johnny Blaze
Speaking of equality under the law…

“Personalised exemptions for the Queen in her private capacity have been written into more than 160 laws since 1967, granting her sweeping immunity from swathes of British law – ranging from animal welfare to workers’ rights. Dozens extend further immunity to her private property portfolio, granting her unique protections as the owner of large landed estates.

More than 30 different laws stipulate that police are barred from entering the private Balmoral and Sandringham estates without the Queen’s permission to investigate suspected crimes, including wildlife offences and environmental pollution – a legal immunity accorded to no other private landowner in the country.

Police are also required to obtain her personal agreement before they can investigate suspected offences at her privately owned salmon and trout fishing business on the River Dee at Balmoral, where anglers are charged up to £630 a week to fish.“

About This Thread

Maintained by Muttley
So will you be waving your little union jack and pledging your allegiance and scoffing coronation chicken or quiche at a street party?

Or ignoring the whole bloated exhibition of flummery and forelock tugging to inherited privilege and finding more important things to do?

I'm in the latter camp :-)

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