Jan 2021
7:53am, 14 Jan 2021
7,257 posts
Sounds stressful LGJ
Jan 2021
7:55am, 14 Jan 2021
33,871 posts
Welcome LGJ. All sounds familiar.
QP is already back to nocturnal. He has classes online today from 12 and I need him to walk the dog first. Hopefully he can get himself up as I’m in a meeting all day.
Jan 2021
11:56am, 18 Jan 2021
8,007 posts
DS2 actually got a thumbs up from his teacher for his online attendance last week. Apparently quite a lot of the rest of his year, Yr11 GCSE's, are barely logging on. While I'm pleased for him and he does sort of seem to be focusing a bit more, I can't help but think that cancelling the exams so early means that half of them have thought 'what's the point?' Particularly for those that might not have been staying on for A-levels, I suppose it's understandable.
Jan 2021
12:27pm, 18 Jan 2021
7,416 posts
School has again reminded us of the importance of attending form time. This is at 8.50 every day and TBH just doesn't fit in with our routine while we're WFH.
Jan 2021
12:38pm, 18 Jan 2021
161 posts
That’s good to hear! Good on him.
I can confirm that my D15 has definitely given up. It’s so confusing for them, especially as they’ve been told they will still be sitting mocks at some point and the govt threw in that bit about possible external assessment. It must be so unsettling for the kids. If the exam results do indeed get issued in early July then hopefully that means they’ll be “done” in terms of school some time in May? Who knows!
I am so happy that school has finally introduced a “live element” (from today) instead of just uploaded work. They’re still not video or voice, but the teachers are available in real time to be messaged with queries as per the timetable. Both kids have done work today! It still moves a bit too quickly for S13 and the lesson is over by the time he’s really getting to grips with it, but at least it’s something.
Timing is terrible with the pandemic/lockdown, but S13 is only informally diagnosed (Asperger’s and possibly dyspraxia/ADHD) - he has a pupil passport and is on the school SEN radar, but has no statement and hasn’t received any extra support. I’ve asked that we now make a formal application for a EHCP otherwise it will be too late to help him. I originally raised my concerns over his development in Y3/4. We’re now midway through Y9 and not much further forward. I feel he has definitely slipped through the cracks.
Jan 2021
12:41pm, 18 Jan 2021
162 posts
Sally - my kids have had no pastoral contact. I know school can probably check log on time via Teams, but they don’t have formal registration or attendance checks.
You’re also right. I’m wfh, two kids remote learning, what if we have to share computers? Hopefully, they understand and it is a generic message for you.
Jan 2021
1:10pm, 18 Jan 2021
44,441 posts
Yes, that wouldn't work for us, either. LittleD's form is at the end of the day, thank goodness.
Jan 2021
1:52pm, 18 Jan 2021
33,915 posts
Our YP are definitely getting a raw deal from this bloody pandemic.
Kaysdee it makes me really cross to hear about needs not being met. You shouldn’t need a diagnosis or a specific document to ensure a young person gets the help they need. The system sucks.
QP is still nocturnal but college have finally done what I suggested should happen. He’s usually 3 days practical, 1 day online theory. Now they’re going to have theory stuff over 3 days so they can focus on the practical when it’s safe to do so.
Jan 2021
5:00pm, 18 Jan 2021
164 posts
(Turned out much longer than I planned, but has turned out to be really helpful in reminding of some things for going forwards)
I guess because he doesn’t misbehave and is super polite, etc, in school that he is overlooked. Lots of sensory issues, super emotional but manages to fake his way through the day (in normal times) and then melt down on an evening. He scored on the 99.7th percentile of...is it WISC-V? This was in June 2019 (end of Y7) and you would think that would have made someone sit up take notice. I was expecting all sorts of further action when he started Y8. It sounds impressive, but his academic achievement falls far short.
If he could do his lessons verbally he’d be amazing, but he just can’t handle writing and if the lesson isn’t interesting to him (most of them) he completely checks out. 6 months of nothing before the pandemic hit and then that was obviously the excuse to put things on hold as far as school was concerned. To be fair, he had a lovely teacher who was so kind and rang 2-3 times a week during lockdown 1 to check how he was emotionally. I managed to push his referral to see a paediatrician in September gone. She did more in one consultation than had happened in years - referred him to sleep services (he’s a massive insomniac), OT and CYPS, but we’re stuck in the waiting list phase.
I mean, in Y6 he had a scribe and additional time in SATS and towards the end of the year he asked the teacher himself if he could work in the classroom cupboard (and did!) because it was otherwise too noisy and he couldn’t concentrate. Things seemed to go backwards once he hit secondary, which is bizarre as it’s such a sought after school and has excellent “results”, but you can sense they are very invested in the clever kids and not so much those who struggle! He has an extreme reaction to the word potential - he gets very annoyed and says what’s the point of potential when no one helps you achieve it. I agree! I’m trying but keep hitting brick walls, so have reached the point that I’ll write to the LEA myself. As if I don’t have enough to do keep my occupied 😉
Jan 2021
6:25pm, 18 Jan 2021
8,015 posts
Can totally sympathise Kaysdee. Sounds very similar in a lot of ways to DS2. High- functioning autism, significant sensory overload issues and insomniac. Added to which he has hyper-mobility in his joints, so holding a pen for more than a few minutes to write is almost impossible. He has however learned to touch type which is a godsend.