Aug 2020
6:53pm, 17 Aug 2020
1,576 posts
And so it continues.
Aug 2020
7:05pm, 17 Aug 2020
15,757 posts
My daughter isn't a teenager but she's waiting on an application to do a Masters at MMU. She applied in March but hasn't heard anything. She doesn't have the 2.1 they requested but wrote a very good personal statement and has very good Open University credits to show since her degree. Do you think this whole fiasco with results for potential undergrads will be causing the delay?
Aug 2020
7:09pm, 17 Aug 2020
39,828 posts
She hasn't heard anything at all? That's very unusual. I do admissions for two MA courses and we process admissions usually within a couple of weeks and definitely within a month. I don't think this is causing the delay, I would suspect a lost application somewhere and would definitely follow up. The course leader should be on the website somewhere.
Aug 2020
7:39pm, 17 Aug 2020
15,758 posts
Thanks Linds. I did wonder. She emailed them a couple of weeks ago and got a standard reply saying they were working from home and things were delayed. Her application is showing as received on the system but she’s heard nothing other than an acknowledgment. I’ll tell her to ring them.
Aug 2020
8:20pm, 17 Aug 2020
7,824 posts
Meglet, I think that'll be the position for most Russell Group universities. All the sensible places have gone and no one is going to wind back the clock now, so too little too late.
DD2 pleased to have her A for Further Maths now, but CD -> BC for Physics and Chemistry still well below what she is capable of and she thinks she can get an A* for Maths too, so she's still going to resit next summer at this stage.
It has basically been a giant clusterf**k
Aug 2020
8:41pm, 17 Aug 2020
7,104 posts
Aug 2020
9:17pm, 17 Aug 2020
21,183 posts
How many more people‘s lives can this government fuck up? Brexit, Covid, school exams. Every time they are told by experts their plan won’t work they just forge ahead anyway, then u-turn after its all too late.
Aug 2020
10:01pm, 17 Aug 2020
39,833 posts
Aug 2020
10:05pm, 17 Aug 2020
6,606 posts
That's very well put Meglet.
Aug 2020
10:37pm, 17 Aug 2020
21,184 posts
Thank you. We’re not directly affected and she’s going where she wants, and oldest started her job today, but it makes me so cross for all the others.
Meanwhile I’m slogging my way through work in extra PPE and they’ve announced extra help for self employed that still doesn’t apply to me. The reopening of dentists was badly handled like everything else. Even my GP has sent round a letter today about how they have been told about the extra flu jabs at the same time as us and don’t know how they’ll get the staff, the cold storage, the PPE and the clinic time to do them.
And some friends of teens are planning to go to a party the day after they return from Spain instead of quarantining. (Teen has been sensible and said she’s not going, but spending a day in Leeds bats risks all sorts of problems)
Sorry that’s probably too much for this thread but I’m fed up with our incompetent government who couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery (while my own piss up in a brewery that was supposed to celebrate my birthday won’t be able to go ahead)