Sub 3Hr Marathon

1 lurker | 314 watchers
Apr 2018
7:17pm, 22 Apr 2018
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If only knew what lay ahead.....
Apr 2018
7:45pm, 22 Apr 2018
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Well that didn't go quite as planned. I was worried before the race what my HR had been doing in the last couple of runs in the heat and that threw my plans a bit. My goal was 2:50 and I decided to give it a few miles at that pace regardless. As expected my HR went too high too early, decided to reign it back a bit and concentrate on running easy, this went OK until about mile 12 when I had a lucozade that didn't agree with me, here is where I dropped off, I was burping and had a stitch for a few miles and never got back into my running after that.

The heat played a part for sure but as the pace dropped I didn't worry, my head had gone to damage limitation mode and to be honest I quite enjoyed the 2nd half. I saw the wife and kids by St James' park and as the PB and sub 3 had gone I went over and gave them all a hug and kiss!

Great meeting Fergus (before and in the pub), Batman's dad before and running briefly together miles 11-12, Lee78, And Jlucas (in the tent and the pub). Good day for a baking in London!
Apr 2018
7:55pm, 22 Apr 2018
15 posts
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Yes - pretty similar, Chris. To answer your question - I struggled with everything in the end up! In particular cramp was killing - not just calves but also my thighs. I barely noticed the win - I was too beaten up by the sun.
Apr 2018
6:16am, 23 Apr 2018
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Little Miss Happy
Well fought Chris and jomo.

Hope you recover well all of you. Plans for an autumn marathon?
Apr 2018
6:33am, 23 Apr 2018
982 posts
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Thanks LMH.

Well walking is fun this morning 😩
Apr 2018
6:37am, 23 Apr 2018
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Little Miss Happy
Keep moving, eating and hydrating Chris.
Apr 2018
6:56am, 23 Apr 2018
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Well that’s looking a bit thin on the sidebar :-(

Still one or two I’m not sure about but not optimistic given the circumstances.
Apr 2018
8:06am, 23 Apr 2018
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I think I could just cut and paste Baz's posts, I had the same experience yesterday (and also PBed at Edinburgh 09 - though since then I have lived 9 years in a cool climate!). Went off at 3 hour pace but knew at 8m that I had to dial back the pace. After that I ignored the time and just focussed on survival, not stopping and not throwing up. Like Brunski I had a gel which didn't sit well in the stomach, I am guessing the body had even more blood going to the skin than normal, with very little left for the digestive system.

Highlights of the day were going past the Fetchpoint in either direction, and it was good to see the front 3 runners coming the other way down The Highway. Plus it has been an excellent weekend other than the race!
Apr 2018
8:24am, 23 Apr 2018
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I am walking fine today as the legs didn't get the battering they normally would. Cant say that for the rest of the system.

Belt is a notch tighter due to weight (fluid) loss !

I am toying with the idea of entering Edinburgh as a back up, but need to decide by tomorrow. Currently veering towards not doing it, but it changes regularly.
Apr 2018
8:35am, 23 Apr 2018
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I also went out at 3-hour pace, but was prepared to dial it back if the heat impacted me as the race progressed. I very quickly found myself sweating buckets and working too hard on what should be the easy first few miles, and slowed down to compensate.

I momentarily told myself I could still get 3:10, then I fooled myself into thinking 3:15 was achievable but by the time the 3:30 pacer group passed me I was plodding along at a snails pace having got slower with every passing mile. Quite frankly, I just wanted to finish and didn’t care what the clock said when I crossed the line.

I took a walking break from mile 23 to 25, and then shuffled through to the end for a 3:44:12. In hindsight, a more realistic and even pace from the outset might not have netted a faster time, but it might have been less gruelling day!

Good to meet some new faces before and after the race too.

About This Thread

Maintained by jdawayinamanger
All about hitting the magic 2:xx:yy!
Targets 2025
23 Feb Seville


Results 2024
medal medal medal medal medal
18 Feb Seville
mattykay 2.58.32
14 April Rotterdam
jomo_richmond 2:43:18
21 April London
Chris 2:39:16
Alun 2:59:28
28 April Boston
Brunski 2:52:33
28 April Newport
Miser 2:50:14
6 Oct Chester
OO61 2:58:26
13 Oct Chicago
DT19 2.45.53
Unsafe_Breadbin 2:53:56
20 Oct Amsterdam
Charlesvdw 2:59:37
20 Oct Abingdon
rhb 2:59:07
27 Oct Dublin
Paul N 2:59:08
medal medal medal medal medal

Current (2018) thread owner jda, if I go awol then someone else should feel free to take over...

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