Apr 2017
9:28pm, 24 Apr 2017
23,939 posts
HappyG - I'm no qualified coach or are you talking about the guy that wrote the article?
Chris - Agree, but it really just means strength train to have the ability to run faster (so same as any other training really), as running faster = longer strides and/ or higher cadence. Think it's dangerous to get runners thinking about increased stride length unless they have the understanding you have.
Sounds like your issues are more complicated Chris as if you're struggling strength wise I'd expect 800m to suffer. Main point of strength training is the neural gains (not hypertrophy like a body builder) and that why sprinting (properly) is a good idea, and also why high weight/ low reps is the preferred weight training method.
I think running fast is a balance of many things but in general tackling your weaknesses while maintaining strengths. If you have a strong mile and weak 10k relative to your target then endurance will be the main focus, if it's the opposite then speed might be the main focus. Even? Then a fairly even blend.
Apr 2017
9:57pm, 24 Apr 2017
23,940 posts
A good interval progression set was posted on the Sub 18 thread for you CW recently.
Apr 2017
10:03pm, 24 Apr 2017
4,283 posts
Yep, and I've been doing the intervals, I did 5x1K last week. Still intervals aren't everything so I am trying to find out what else I'm missing or doing wrong.
I pretty sure it's a magic balance between miles, intervals, tempo, stretching and strength work and not over-training. easy, right?
Apr 2017
12:23pm, 25 Apr 2017
26,591 posts
That's a perfect summary of every training programme and book out there CW. You could make a fortune!
SPR, I thought you were a track coach? Don't know where I got that from, mind?
Apr 2017
4:18pm, 25 Apr 2017
23,944 posts
HappyG - I must be a good imposter
Apr 2017
9:08am, 29 Apr 2017
1,882 posts
Completely out of the blue 18:57 for my first sub 19 last night. I can't point to anything other than more miles and plenty at low speed as my real focus has been on getting ready for my first race over longer than 16 miles, a 33 mile trail race.
PB by over 30s!
Apr 2017
9:44am, 29 Apr 2017
1,883 posts
Edit - they've nicked two seconds off me in the current set of results and to be fair my watch also said 18:59 but sub 19 is sub 19
Apr 2017
10:36am, 29 Apr 2017
5,323 posts
Exactly larkim. Nice feeling to have 18:xx. Next step is a 5k with all the splits reading 5:xx 😎
Apr 2017
11:07am, 29 Apr 2017
4,299 posts
Great going Larkim. Shows the benefits of a race vs a parkrun. I plan 5K on the track at the end of the month which I'm hoping will help vs Woodley parkrun
Apr 2017
12:17pm, 29 Apr 2017
156 posts
Rog T
18:58 for me today at my local parkrun. First sub 19 for me too - well chuffed.