Apr 2017
11:15am, 24 Apr 2017
23,931 posts
I hate references to increasing stride length. Brings up all the wrong visuals.
Apr 2017
11:28am, 24 Apr 2017
1,611 posts
I'm on the thread ...Way off the target at the moment ...
Apr 2017
11:51am, 24 Apr 2017
10,859 posts
Yep but he's talking about a natural by product of increased strength, not a conscious attempt to increase your stride. Also I find it near impossible to overstride... it's either part of your running form or not.
Apr 2017
2:55pm, 24 Apr 2017
108 posts
Would a hill session not improve strength in the same way? Not a big fan of "gym" work - I'd rather run!
Apr 2017
3:21pm, 24 Apr 2017
26,589 posts
SPR is a qualified coach, to be fair!
Have never done 5K focussed training, but it's the one PB I hope I can still achieve. Haven't gone sub 19 for 4 years, I don't think. So this can be one of my goals on return to running.
I think increased speed (which I accept can only come from longer or faster strides) comes from training with increased speed! i.e. intervals. Sustaining it is endurance training. We all know what that is: tempo, LT and/or mid paced long runs. Stretch and strength is good and worth doing, esp for injury prevention, but I don't think it gets you faster without the intervals too. Just a thunk. Good luck all. G
Apr 2017
3:39pm, 24 Apr 2017
10,861 posts
I used to think like that G until the latest mystifying slow down. Intervals get me so far, but then I reach a plateau. Glute strength is the one thing that I have seen make a definite, inarguable difference.
Apr 2017
3:41pm, 24 Apr 2017
10,862 posts
I agree you have to train faster, but my "legs" have become a limiter. Perhaps my glutes were always weak, and were the bottleneck. Last year I equalled my 800m pb, but my 10k times were 2-4 minutes off my best.
Apr 2017
3:47pm, 24 Apr 2017
26,590 posts
Yip. Not disagreeing with you Chris. Both are required. A body builder doing 200kg squats would have great glutes. I'd still beat him (or her) at a parkrun!
Most runners have weak glutes is what I always hear from physios. Or glutes that don't "fire correctly" whatever that means. So, though I hate 'em, I do squats and single leg squats and clam shell and bridge with leg lifts and... in gym, home, classes etc.
Mostly to stop me getting injured too. G
Apr 2017
3:54pm, 24 Apr 2017
10,864 posts
The glutes not firing correctly is definitely an issue because if I do a strength session targetting them, I am faster noticeably the next day, and by the laws of training that's not possible, seems to be neural activation in action.
Apr 2017
4:05pm, 24 Apr 2017
4,279 posts
Thanks for the link Chris