Apr 2018
6:23pm, 29 Apr 2018
1,000 posts
Wel run Uyuni and Pizza Boy!
Thanks Stuart, if I was to join a club it'd be SRC. Still happy as a lone ranger for now as don't think I could commit to the relays and stuff at weekends (and that would be the main draw to being in a club for me). When the kids are a little older this may change and will join up!
Apr 2018
6:55pm, 29 Apr 2018
26,170 posts
Relays only four weekends a year, five if you add the Masters, and they are great fun.
Apr 2018
6:55pm, 29 Apr 2018
26,171 posts
Good work Uyuni.
May 2018
10:32am, 1 May 2018
26,173 posts
Looks like track season will be starting Sunday with the 800 and 1500 at track league.
May 2018
11:37am, 1 May 2018
1,198 posts
Track stuff for me the following weekend. Still don't know what I'm going to do, given there's a 10 miler the next day. Current thinking is 400 metres, which I can probably get a time I'm happy enough with without affecting me too adversely for the next day. It'll be a PB whatever! I'm thinking 65s, but maybe that's over-optimistic.
Decent enough 10K at the weekend, 36:58 under very windy conditions (the wind was probably only something like 17-18mph but the course was on a former airfield and was completely exposed). Was hoping for sub-36 but conditions put that out of reach, so I ran for placing instead.
May 2018
7:09pm, 1 May 2018
26,175 posts
If the 10 miler is a goal, I'd wouldn't do any events the day before. If you're happy to run on potentially tired legs then fine.
May 2018
8:34am, 2 May 2018
1,202 posts
I'm sure you're right, SPR. The 10 miler is a higher priority. But the chance to do the track stuff comes round so rarely that I really want to give it a go, even if it has some impact the next day.
May 2018
5:25pm, 2 May 2018
63,817 posts
I tried to run yesterday - oops
May 2018
7:58pm, 2 May 2018
1,203 posts
Bad luck, Gobi! Hope you can get back there soon.
May 2018
6:01pm, 4 May 2018
26,207 posts
Down to just the 1500m now but may guest in the 5000m after if I feel like some fast training miles after.