Mar 2023
7:42pm, 7 Mar 2023
58,674 posts
Derby Tup
Sharkie's current blog has piqued my interest in standing on one leg for training to increase proprioception. It's a great little exercise to improve off-road running skill, or recover from lower leg injuries especially twisted ankles
A wobble board is useful but you can do it without equipment while brushing your teeth, queuing for a coffee etc
My real interest is improving my 'eyes closed' time
Mar 2023
7:45pm, 7 Mar 2023
19,727 posts
Physio always said to me that you don't need a wobble board (although I do have one!) - you're better off standing on one leg doing the things you suggest - brushing teeth or holding a conversation. To make it harder you can do it on a softer surface like a folded towel
The highest level they suggested was standing on one leg on a folded towel, whilst brushing your teeth, turning your head to right and left and whilst also reciting the days of the week.
I never quite got that far....
Mar 2023
7:50pm, 7 Mar 2023
58,675 posts
Derby Tup
Someone suggested to me the rolled up towel tip. Great for travelling. For rehab you can make the letters of the alphabet with a pointed foot while on one leg
Mar 2023
7:53pm, 7 Mar 2023
95,478 posts
Yes. A NHS physiotherapist gave me this - amongst other exercises 4 years ago to help improve rehab from a long term knee injury. I got as far as the 'eyes closed' version - and still do most of the exercises pre- and post-run.
Mar 2023
7:54pm, 7 Mar 2023
19,728 posts
Not sure I could do that if I were concentrating on it!!
Especially not with my current dodgy sprained and swollen ankle.
Btw - closed eyes is apparently bad (doesn't help) - same as staring at a particular point, but I'm not sure why.
Was just told that the turning head/days of the week etc was better.
Mar 2023
7:56pm, 7 Mar 2023
1,009 posts
When I injured my ankle I had a rehabilitation exercise that I still do now. I usually do it in the gym in between sets as I hate the resting phase.
A dumbbell or kettle bell 5 - 7kg. Stand on one leg, engage core and swap the weight from one hand to the other 10-15 times. Then change legs. It's really improved my balance and my ankles too.
Mar 2023
7:58pm, 7 Mar 2023
58,676 posts
Derby Tup
Some physios in Silsden who look after really good athletes had me standing on one of those flat football things after a bad calf tear. That really gets your muscles working. You can almost imagine scrambled tissues being re-booted
Mar 2023
7:59pm, 7 Mar 2023
58,677 posts
Derby Tup
A dumbbell or kettle bell 5 - 7kg. Stand on one leg, engage core and swap the weight from one hand to the other 10-15 times. Then change legs. It's really improved my balance and my ankles too.
This sounds realky great
Mar 2023
11:19pm, 7 Mar 2023
28,263 posts
Teacher makes us do standing on one leg stuff at the end of our Pilates lessons - standing on a thick cushioned Pilates mat makes it harder
I like that kettlebell idea, will try that
Mar 2023
6:54am, 8 Mar 2023
58,685 posts
Derby Tup
I woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep. Went downstairs to put kettle on and managed 30 secs eyes closed left then right leg