May 2020
12:34pm, 22 May 2020
423 posts
Session #3 for me. A pb of making it to double figures.
Agree with Baz: I did much better when I focused on a spot on the wall, went all Jedi and let everything flow.
Tough ten minutes session more jumping that getting myself untangled from rope. HR was higher than my run this morning!
May 2020
12:39pm, 22 May 2020
16,502 posts
lol - one of our isolation purchases was a night vision camera to see what wildlife we get in the garden. I know we get visitors cos I hear them regularly. To date other than a nonchalant fox that wandered down the street once we have recorded nothing.
Today though, there was footage captured as the camera had been positioned by my son pointing towards my skipping area.
May 2020
12:04pm, 23 May 2020
12,819 posts
Managed 2 x 1 min without a tangle so chuffed. I got tired in the other 3 x 1 min around 40 seconds.
Too windy to skip outside so indoors it was.
May 2020
12:23pm, 23 May 2020
36,345 posts
Well done UC! Pretty windy round here too and I've not got room to move it indoors so I'm taking a day off. Probably a good thing as I've got quite tight calves today (test run, skipping and bike session yesterday).
May 2020
5:30pm, 23 May 2020
1,470 posts
Just did today’s session - day 23 4minutes. Really struggled with the wind and the rope speed. Still, happy to have ticked another day off.
May 2020
3:20pm, 25 May 2020
434 posts
Session 4 for me and spent most of the time skipping rather than untangling myself from the rope. Had an audience from my 6 year old critiquing which wasn't the most helpful!
May 2020
3:54pm, 25 May 2020
34,946 posts
I love how things like Skipping become vogue in Fetch every now and again. Very cool. Just like school. But without spots. G
May 2020
7:47am, 26 May 2020
16,527 posts
First day skipping since Friday and the rest did me good !
I was regularly getting to 50/60 then recorded an 89 in my second set which should have been 90 but I counted my chickens before they hatched. My last effort was a 75 and I stopped voluntarily as I was tired
May 2020
9:52am, 26 May 2020
5,882 posts
Eynsham Red
I’ve had a few goes at managing a minute over the last week. I can’t do a full minute without tangles but I thought that I’d start the thirty day program today. By the third minute I managed 37 skips without tangles so I’m fairly pleased.
May 2020
10:22pm, 26 May 2020
4,422 posts
Forgot to post for a few days, but am up to say 5 now. was another 3 x 1 min with 1 min rest - got my feet a bit tangled after 34 seconds on the first minute, same after 49 seconds on the second minute and 53 seconds on the final minute. Hoping I’ll be able to manage a minute without catching the rope on my feet soon.
Today was 200 skips in one workout - got to 80 before getting the rope caught, then 144, then made it to the end.