May 2020
8:31am, 27 May 2020
12,831 posts
Well done Jenny
May 2020
8:40am, 27 May 2020
16,537 posts
That is good going.
I skipped my skipping and squat/lunge routine this morning in favour of extra time in bed. I was going to tag it on to my post work run, but have just recalled that I also planned to scarify the lawn and fill the gap in my brown bin which is collected tomorrow. Cross training of sorts I guess.
May 2020
12:32pm, 27 May 2020
437 posts
Tried setting a cardio session on my Garmin for this today. Did 3x4mins with 1 minute between each. Felt like I spent a far chunk of the session untangling myself but persevered. Not sure I'm ever going to be a great skipper but it's good cross training on lighter days like today.
Side note Garmin recored my jumps in Connect. Think the figure looks fairly accurate, but I didn't add all the 5/10/3/8s of my attempts together as I went along!
May 2020
12:46pm, 27 May 2020
4,424 posts
Well done Rrunner.
I’ve found my Garmin seems to vary wildly in its accuracy - a couple of days ago it was reasonably close, but still undercounting the reps. Yesterday when I did 200 it only counted 3!
May 2020
12:46pm, 27 May 2020
12,832 posts
Runner I too use the cardio setting on my garmin, didn’t know it records jumps.
May 2020
1:36pm, 27 May 2020
438 posts
I'll be happy if Garmin has undercounted!
Ultracat I had to set the exercise as Jump Rope in Connect for it to "count" the jumps..
May 2020
1:39pm, 27 May 2020
5,889 posts
Eynsham Red
Day 2, two minutes done but I didn’t get as many skips in a row as day 1. Early days though.
May 2020
2:01pm, 27 May 2020
1,472 posts
It will get better. I was a good skipper as a child and the muscle memory is still there. Even so I managed 40 to 50 skips in a row on day 1. Today on day 27 I am doing 300 or so without a break.
May 2020
2:43pm, 27 May 2020
12,833 posts
SS you must be really fit, I get tired after 50.
May 2020
5:16pm, 27 May 2020
1,473 posts
I have been doing it every day since day 1 on 1st May. I’m glad that I appear to be getting fitter.