Shades Marathon Training

3 lurkers | 31 watchers
29 Aug
9:27am, 29 Aug 2024
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WP, maybe just check it manually for a few mornings as Shades does, and compare the numbers to the watch. If they’re in line with the watch then no problem, but if they’re out at least then you’ll know. As you say, you know yourself anyway and know when you can run etc, but I was just wondering about the wide variations you seem to get.
29 Aug
9:30am, 29 Aug 2024
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WP - but is your RHR the figure on waking before you get out of bed?

Not an average but the actual HR at that moment?

I believe Garmin gives an average RHR for the day, including sleep, so if you had less sleep it would show a higher RHR which is not necessarily so.

So is your normal RHR 40? or 66

My normal now is 49-55
29 Aug
9:39am, 29 Aug 2024
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Thanks Big G Will take it manually for a few days to see the difference.

Shades:It is the figure before getting out of bed.Aha it could well be the average if I look at my stats from this morning it looks like 47 so +7.

Normal is 40 for me.

I shall check tomorrow for actual figure not average and take manually.

Before these watches did all this I would use BP wrist machine to take my rhr which would give actual reading.
29 Aug
12:03pm, 29 Aug 2024
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WP - everyone's normal is different and it's whatever is normal for that person.

40 is very impressive, means you're an aerobic monster.

Lowest I got to was 41/42 for a couple of days during my purple patch year and a couple of days later did 2 marathon PB's in consecutive weeks.

No need to use a machine, just take your pulse.

If your current stats are the average that would explain why you previously mentioned that your RHR is raised the day after a hilly run.

80 minutes gym was very tough today, and I was obsessively clock watching for the last half hour. My quads hadn't fully recovered from Tuesday so they're pretty trashed now.
29 Aug
12:15pm, 29 Aug 2024
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This may sound a bit odd to bring up, but my RHR has actually dropped a couple of beats since Dad died. You may think it would rise with the organising of a funeral etc, but the last couple of years (and especially the last few months before he died) were very stressful and I think that is showing in the slightly lower HR now. It’s still not down to where it was when I was at my fittest though.
29 Aug
12:24pm, 29 Aug 2024
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Big G: That does sound odd but maybe just a coincidence and you are becoming fitter as training seems to be going well?

Shades: I hope I can get to bottom of it and get back to normal for me.As it is the only stat I pay attention too as the rest are just random numbers generated by Garmin.

That sounds like a tough workout this morning!I think you ran as well this morning?
29 Aug
12:30pm, 29 Aug 2024
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Big G - that doesn't surprise me. Subconsciously you would be worrying about him and his health and never far from your mind.

Plus of course your training is coming on well.

WP - I didn't do that tough a session in the gym as I realised I hadn't fully recovered from Tuesday session.

Yes, I ran today, that doesn't affect me as long as I run first. I used to run up to 10 miles before gym frequently.

I'm hoping to be able to run tomorrow too.
29 Aug
6:15pm, 29 Aug 2024
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Cal Jones
Big G, it's probably a big release for you, after so much stress for so long. Anyway, glad it went well.

Was watching a video on YouTube where it was saying your actual RHR is your resting HR while awake, but most smart watches take it from sleep or including sleep, which makes it seem better than it is. I guess the main thing is just being consistent.

I finished my parkrun alphabet on Saturday - took a trip to north wales (overnight stay) with another parkrun obsessive to get my Y (parkrun was Y Promenad, Abermaw). Double out and back along the prom.
I've had a couple of runs since, neither pain free but I'm just toughing it out now. My leg session in the gym on Tuesday seemed to irritate it more than the running. My hip doesn't seem to like flexion too much. It is what it is.

And now my shingles is back. Yay. I'll deal with it as I always do.

btw, does anyone else get constant begging from Fetch when they come on here? I wouldn't mind donating if I actually had any money, but I have to be really careful with money.
29 Aug
6:31pm, 29 Aug 2024
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Cal - I suppose a lot of trial and error to find out what you can do in the gym that doesn't irritate your hip too much.

Yes, I've read the same info re RHR so usually waking before getting out of bed as that's a fairly consistent time for recording. However, if you wake desperate for the loo that will put RHR up. 🤣

I now donate to Fetch. I cancelled my RW subscription and pay that to Fetch instead, I too am on a limited budget. But I'm so glad I did, as a supporter all adverts are removed.

Bad news on the shingles, hope it's mild and brief.
30 Aug
5:37am, 30 Aug 2024
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Swapping tomorrow's rest day to today as my quads are still singing to me, not bad but enough.

I woke early then went back to sleep and the alarm woke me. I took my RHR was 56. Waited another minute or so and then was 53. I know the alarm always startles me, which puts my RHR up, as I'm usually awake before it goes off.

Going to order a pair of shoes today 😀

About This Thread

Maintained by Shades
Back in December 2005 I started a thread on Runner's World offering a marathon training plan on 3 runs a week. I had my own running club at the time (Womens Running Network) and I had successfully trialled the training plan when I took a group of girls to Dublin to run their first marathon.

Over the years the thread has evolved into a chat thread, with a bit of training advice, race reports, for predominantly marathon runners.

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