Shades Marathon Training

31 watchers
13 Jun
7:52am, 13 Jun 2024
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Back in December 2005 I started a thread on Runner's World offering a marathon training plan on 3 runs a week. I had my own running club at the time (Womens Running Network) and I had successfully trialled the training plan when I took a group of girls to Dublin to run their first marathon.

Over the years the thread has evolved into a chat thread, with a bit of training advice, race reports, for predominantly marathon runners.

With the demise of the RW forum, although there aren't many regular posters left, we'd like to keep the thread going and Fetch has kindly welcomed us.

Newcomers are very welcome to post on the thread.
13 Jun
8:04am, 13 Jun 2024
2,749 posts
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Almost 6 miles this morning, added a short section to a regular route hoping it would make 6 miles but not quite. The extra section I added on was through a housing estate and I was tracked by a seagull making that ominous clicking noise, which means they are guarding chicks and attacking me might be a possibility. Chilly again but not as cold as yesterday.

Legs a bit tired from yesterday's gym but not too bad.
13 Jun
8:35am, 13 Jun 2024
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Windsor Wool
Hi Shades, I’m sure that your thread will get going but you could also slide straight in with one or more of the very active marathon threads that are already up / running on FE. There are sub 3, sub 3:15, sub 3:30, sub 4 threads that are all pretty active and already contain some old faces from RW.

I know it’s not the same as having your own thread, just trying to give you the opportunity to kick start / even make some new contacts.

Anyway, best wishes!
13 Jun
8:37am, 13 Jun 2024
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if I get into LM I will be here as I won't have a "time" target so a goo general thread will be nice
13 Jun
8:56am, 13 Jun 2024
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Thanks Windsor Wool but this marathon thread is aimed at all abilities, not specific times.

Pix - and you are very welcome whether you get a LM place or not.
13 Jun
9:01am, 13 Jun 2024
3,269 posts
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"I was tracked by a seagull making that ominous clicking noise, which means they are guarding chicks and attacking me might be a possibility."

I sympathize. I have the damn things screeching and circling over me as soon as I leave the house. They sometimes swoop low above my head and once or twice I've had them try to crap on me. Something about me in my running kit just offends the seagulls. I get this at several locations on my regular runs during the breeding season. No idea what the issue is because in ordinary civvies they ignore me. One of the neighbours said recently that he always knows when I'm off for a run because the gulls are making a racket!

(Muttley Jnr says that the sight of me in my running kit offends him as well. Pah.)
13 Jun
9:08am, 13 Jun 2024
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Feels a bit weird being over here, on this thread!

I guess we just carry on where we left off? In which case, I’m on the ferry, over to Dunkirk, everything is on time, and Tigg had a decent run on the field by the campsite before we left.

We stopped at a services close to Dover on the way in yesterday, and there was a guy running laps of the services car park. I didn’t ask, but presumed it was to do with a running streak, or maybe he had a late ferry and that was his only opportunity to get his run done.

On the ferry there are quite a lot of cyclists from Amy and Friends, which from a quick Google is a Wirral-based charity. They’re riding over to Eindhoven over the coming 3 days.
13 Jun
9:10am, 13 Jun 2024
55,073 posts
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thanks Shades I've always appreciated your wisdom and kind words (and butt kicks!!)
13 Jun
9:12am, 13 Jun 2024
3,998 posts
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It feels very weird and not sure if I will like it or not.

Great run this morning Shades things are looking good.I don't have trouble with seagulls or ever have;-)
13 Jun
9:13am, 13 Jun 2024
2,755 posts
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Muttley - last year was the first year that I wasn't actually swooped on in attack mode. I think perhaps bird flu had killed off some of the most aggressive gulls. They return to the same nesting spot every year and there was a particularly vicious one that nested on B & Q's roof, one time it did crap on me.

Another aggressive gull nested on the edge of the park and would wait until I had to cross the road and come out from the shelter of the trees and would go for me. That gull is no longer there, the owners of the building put up a deterrent on their chimney stack which looks like knife blades.

About This Thread

Maintained by Shades
Back in December 2005 I started a thread on Runner's World offering a marathon training plan on 3 runs a week. I had my own running club at the time (Womens Running Network) and I had successfully trialled the training plan when I took a group of girls to Dublin to run their first marathon.

Over the years the thread has evolved into a chat thread, with a bit of training advice, race reports, for predominantly marathon runners.

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