Oct 2024
5:23pm, 23 Oct 2024
2,774 posts
Aquarius - not got any walking planned tomorrow apart from the town centre bus stop to a restaurant where we've booked for lunch. I hardly dare mention it's the Chelsea Brasserie (got to keep the 'C' theme going for one more day!). We would have been driving back from York tomorrow so I guess the 'holiday' will be over. No news yet re the new golf shoes. Glad to hear you are feeling better and were able to run 6mls (but boo to the achey knee and turning your ankle)
Hillstrider - well done re the (almost) 5ml run with Sarah F and Mike - especially the hill reps and final sprint.
I went out for a brisk(ish) walk this morning. 3.5mls at 17:41mm pace so not as brisk as in the past but I know I need to work back up to my previous speed and distance. I will try and get up early enough to walk tomorrow morning and as mentioned to Aquarius, there will be some 'ambling' to and from the restaurant at lunchtime. We're heading into town on the bus so I can have a drink and not worry about driving.
Mentioning restaurants - Margaret has been invited to give some feedback from the hotel where we had afternoon tea. I pointed out to her that they had charged us £4.50 for the tap water we had - she said she'll let them know what she thinks of that (a rude word was uttered!).
Oct 2024
1:42pm, 24 Oct 2024
16,224 posts
WtnMel, I see that you are still awaiting your new golf shoes. Are they being 'made to measure?' 🤣
Thanks for your comments on yesterdays hill session.
How did you get on with this mornings brisk walk?
I hope you and Margaret enjoy your lunch, and the alcoholic drink which you are able to have, by travelling by bus.
I can imagine the words Margaret wanted to use, re the £4.50 for tapwater.
This morning was a hilly solo 5 miles on roads. I was about to walk onto the zebra crossing on the way back, when a driver, who had plenty of distance to slow down and stop, actually accelerated and drove over the crossing. I didn't swear, but shook my fist angrily at the driver as he sped away. 😡
Oct 2024
8:07pm, 24 Oct 2024
420 posts
I would have refused to pay- I can be a very awkward customer 🤭 Hillstrider, Spain is even worse. You take your life in your hands walking out on a crossing. Then there are the electric scooters- a law unto themselves. Home tomorrow after an otherwise relaxing holiday.
Oct 2024
1:38pm, 25 Oct 2024
16,237 posts
I hope you arrived home safely today 00, after your holiday.
The usual Friday Farmers Walk this morning.
Oct 2024
6:26pm, 25 Oct 2024
2,775 posts
Hillstrider - given the time these new golf shoes are taking to arrive, made to measure ones would have probably been quicker. I joked to Margaret that they may have arrived and then the shop being so inefficient, they've probably gone and sold them to someone else! I didn't go out for a walk in the end as Margaret decided to go shopping this morning rather than tomorrow. It was a lovely lunch - that restaurant always seem to do nice food. Well done re that 5ml run - I am often tempted to do a 'wanker' sign at dodgy drivers. But I usually control myself and just do the 'finger to temple' "Think!" signal instead (less chance of getting beaten up by an irate driver).
OO61 - I wish I'd seen the additional charge for water .. wasn't really concentrating when I paid and just glanced at the total. I'm relying on Margaret to give the hotel a piece of her mind about being rip-off merchants when she gives her feedback.
I had a day of gardening planned - cutting lawns, trimming hedges etc. and managed to cut the front lawn but then the rain arrived. While I was putting the lawnmower away I noticed another piece of fence is bending over (the back fence we share with our next-door neighbour). I'll have to speak to him about it - but I think we can probably sort it by fixing some concrete spurs like we did last year with the fence the other side of the garden.
Oct 2024
12:14pm, 27 Oct 2024
16,255 posts
WtnMel, it is most unsatisfactory, the time it is taking for your new golf shoes to arrive. I'd be inclined to return them on receipt, saying that they weren't worth the wait 😁
I'm glad that you and Margaret enjoyed your lunch.
I did think after I'd gestured at the driver, that he might have stopped and attacked me. You can't be too careful these days!
I see that you are still having problems with your fence.
Yesterday was the 500th Anniversary of the Brockenhurst parkrun. I was pleased with my 29.47, 161 out of 261 runners, 1stAG of 4, and WAVA of 67.24%
This morning was a hilly solo 5.16 miles on roads. It was a bit chilly, but still wearing t-shirt and shorts.
Oct 2024
12:27pm, 27 Oct 2024
64 posts
HS Just around the corner from where we used to live drivers regularly drove over the zebra crossing when people were using it. It was just after a roundabout, so maybe they weren't expecting it. I often felt we were taking our lives in our hands when using it. I think your reaction was very restrained 0054 Hope you had a good flight back home. WtnMel How infuriating to find you'd been charged for tap water - and at such an exorbitant rate too. I hope Margaret does give them a piece of her mind when she does the feedback. You're not having much luck with fences at the moment are you? Hope the wait for the golf shoes is worth it.
A very hilly 8 mile run for me on Thursday, then parkrun on Saturday (my Garmin plan had that scheduled to be a 4 mile "easy run" - it wants to try doing Blackhill Park with all it's hills, anything but easy). This morning was a chilly 6 mile run which included 8 x 400m hill repeats. The mileage and intensity of this training plan is definitely ramping up.
Oct 2024
12:29pm, 27 Oct 2024
65 posts
HS - we are back to our old tricks - crossing posts! Well done for a great result at Brockenhurst, love the photo.
Oct 2024
4:16pm, 27 Oct 2024
16,261 posts
Aquarius, it's uncanny how we manage to post at the same time!
That seems to be a crazy place for a zebra crossing, just after a roundabout and a blind spot for drivers.
Good luck for Thursdays very hilly 8 mile run, and Saturdays parkrun.
Well done for this mornings chilly 6 mile run, including 8 x 400 metres hill reps. Quality stuff!
Thanks for parkrun and photo comments.
Oct 2024
7:23pm, 27 Oct 2024
422 posts
Hope you enjoyed the parkrun hillstrider. We did oldham parkrun, the morning after arriving back from Barcelona. Lovely park but undulating course was challenging. I've not done Blackhill yet Aquarius but it's on our list. Is the training plan getting you ready for a race? Had to laugh at your 'wanker' gesture Wtnmel