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6 lurkers | 220 watchers
Jun 2020
1:56pm, 9 Jun 2020
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macca 53
He certainly wasn’t Larks, “only” about 500k slaves went through Bristol, compared with more than 1.5m through Liverpool; he might have been the biggest fish in the Bristol pond.

The biggest overall exporter of slaves was Portugal (and the biggest recipient, unsurprisingly perhaps, was Brazil).
Jun 2020
5:30pm, 9 Jun 2020
4,851 posts
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Nice post JB

Is that a skull necklace the health & safety head is wearing? Seems a bit inappropriate perhaps
Jun 2020
12:38am, 10 Jun 2020
1,435 posts
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Jun 2020
8:08am, 10 Jun 2020
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Jun 2020
9:53am, 10 Jun 2020
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Did NZ enter the pandemic with a stated policy of stopping it dead in its tracks, or has it just happened? Did the UK have a stated policy more ambitious than not overwhelming the NHS?
Jun 2020
10:08am, 10 Jun 2020
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UK's pandemic plan was always to (a) have a rather half-hearted go at stopping it at source if possible (but that quickly and predictably failed) followed by (b) let it pass through the population with some interventions as necessary to flatten the curve to stop it overwhelming the country (including, but not only, the NHS).

The big error IMO was in not realising that this plan was no longer politically and socially acceptable after China had successfully suppressed it. And a related error was in not realising sooner that we needed to take pretty strong action even to achieve (b) above, as it was spreading much more vigorously than is normal for flu.

So now we're in a mess where we have had more deaths than anywhere else in Europe, spent longer in lockdown than anyone else, are further from suppression than anyone else, and are still miles away from herd immunity. Truly, the envy of the world.
Jun 2020
10:09am, 10 Jun 2020
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macca 53
Didn’t you see the PM’s speech when NZ locked down? Hit it hard, hit it quick, hit it completely was the basic message - and a much much harder lockdown than we’ve had (I think she followed the Taiwan model).....test a lot, close the borders, quarantine on entry for nationals returning (and not by driving home). All sensible and fairly predictable stuff really.....
Jun 2020
10:16am, 10 Jun 2020
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The UK response was based on the 2011 Pandemic Planning document which considered a new flu virus to be the most likely pandemic and that it would not be containable. The realisation that c19 could be contained was painfully slow and here we are.
Jun 2020
10:42am, 10 Jun 2020
57 posts
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I am sure it was only last week that they said they were moving to reviewing restrictions every 4 weeks, but it feels like every other day or so they announce something else opening up...trying to make us 'feel good'?
Jun 2020
11:28am, 10 Jun 2020
11,231 posts
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They're just making it up on the hoof - not unlike many private and public organisations are also doing, but sowing confusion whereever they go with the anti-big government mentality. Education is a complete s*7t show - by all means leave LAs, head teachers, governors, academy trusts the final say as to whether their specific school is safe or not, but there needs to be some positive enforcement to get the schools open providing they meet some basic essential criteria. At the moment the govt is effectively allowing every head, local authority, teaching union etc etc to be their own mini SAGE and come up with whether they are acting in the best interests nationally / locally.

So when you get Cambridge publishing their regional R numbers last week, which probabl doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means, schools are putting off returns and causing a chaotic picture based on gut feels.

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