
20 lurkers | 214 watchers
Sep 2019
3:54pm, 16 Sep 2019
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Just out of interest, I presume the Tories would campaign in a GE on a Brexit of "Coming out Jan 31, deal or no deal, do or die" again.

If they won but without a majority, would Lib Dems and Labour MPs try to do another bill to block No Deal? Or would they accept that the GE result was "A win for Tory Brexit - deal or no deal"?
Sep 2019
4:00pm, 16 Sep 2019
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If they won without a majority, the GE result isn't a "a win for Tory Brexit" is it?
Sep 2019
4:03pm, 16 Sep 2019
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Largest single party
Sep 2019
4:04pm, 16 Sep 2019
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Or Tory + Brexit (even if not coalition, just counting total seats / votes) > everyone else = mandate for No Deal.
Sep 2019
4:21pm, 16 Sep 2019
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The way it works, today and without reform, you need 326 (well, stricly less with Speakers seats etc etc) seats behind you to be a winner. Anything less and you've not won, and all bets are off in terms of interpreting the whys and wherefores of the British electorate.

One way or another, a govt with a decent working majority needs to be returned to unblock the current impasse with legitimacy, IMHO.
Sep 2019
4:32pm, 16 Sep 2019
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A "mandate" in parliamentary terms is just whoever can win a vote/form a govt. No-one rolls over on the basis of "they won more votes than us".

I certainly don't think we would be well served by a majority govt elected though a minority vote as typically has happened. We need more of a consensus solution to brexit, which probably means buggering about for a few more years of national humiliation before finally giving up. Just possibly people could arrange a ref but I really see the choice of question being a major sticking point (ie, what is the actual leave option this time).
Sep 2019
4:51pm, 16 Sep 2019
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paul the builder
Let them put their No-Deal Brexit to a referendum (versus Revoke & Remain), if they're so convinced it's what the country wants (and has already voted for). Surely that's a referendum that > 50% of MPs could get behind.
Sep 2019
4:57pm, 16 Sep 2019
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I don't think responsible MPs could allow a ref vote on a no deal brexit. No deal doesn't even mean anything except set your own house on fire before going to look for somewhere else to live. It doesn't say anything about the sort of future relationship with the EU, beyond that it's going to be bad.
Sep 2019
6:16pm, 16 Sep 2019
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I think it would be. You would have to be living on Mars not to have a better idea now than at the first ref.

A party based no deal or revoke will result in seething resentment for a generation. Popular consensus (and asking as many times until there is decent consensus) is the only way to go.
Sep 2019
11:11pm, 16 Sep 2019
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I think in this general election, tactical voting really has to be key.

Labour cannot win a majority, only the Tories can. Any Labour government must consist of SNP (at the very least) and almost certainly Lib Dems as well. The Lib Dems are very unlikely to go into coalition with the Tories as that destroyed them eletorally for 7 years last time round.

Unless you are a Lexiter, then under first past the post, you should vote for the 2nd placed party in the polls - or the incumbent (I'm looking at you J2R :-) ) , because you may well get a government formed partly from the party you voted for. If you don't, your vote will be wasted and the Tories will more likely get in. It really is that simple this time round.

(He says looking at the polls that put the Lib Dems 2nd here, and holding his nose.)

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