
2 lurkers | 214 watchers
Sep 2019
1:44pm, 16 Sep 2019
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Note these are the same people who 'champion' "global Britain"
Sep 2019
1:50pm, 16 Sep 2019
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I'm no fan of Corbyn or the Labour party brexit policy, but if I was in a tory/labour marginal (except perhaps for the handful of exceptional tories who have rebelled) I would probably be quite happy to lend my vote to Labour.

It's precisely because they have a stupid and unworkable policy on brexit, coupled with poor leadership and a split party, that I don't think there is a cat in hell's chance of them achieving brexit. They would flounder for a while, fail to present any reasonable "credible leave option" and the farce would probably end Corbyn's leadership too. So that would be two birds killed with one stone. Having clearly committed to a ref on their deal, there is no risk of them ramming it through regardless.
Sep 2019
2:01pm, 16 Sep 2019
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run free
It is amazing how we were united for the Olympics and look at the UK now. Have met some leavers who talk about taking back control and actually like BJ!! Cos he's the man who will deliver..... ignore everything else.
Sep 2019
2:05pm, 16 Sep 2019
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I was over in Wakefield at the weekend, and the family over there were broadly in agreement that despite it being a very strong Brexit area, Labour would get returned in part because Bojo is the sort of upper class twit / buffoon that really alienates the local electorate. Fingers crossed...

I like jda's crystal ball there - Corbyn's demise caused by Brexit could well be an acceptable outcome. I don't want to be particularly ageist either, but if Corbyn was elected in the next few months we'd be looking at a (spritely, but nonetheless) 75 year old in power, and broadly I'm not convinced we should have senior ministers working beyond the normal age of state retirement age anyway. (I'm prepared to take some flak for that, btw!)
Sep 2019
2:49pm, 16 Sep 2019
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It was all different a few weeks ago when labour's policy was still to ram though the red unicorn "jobs first" brexit. I couldn't vote for them under that. Of course the conference might throw up some more clarity - or perhaps confusion is more likely!
Sep 2019
2:59pm, 16 Sep 2019
32,378 posts
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How long does a 2nd Ref take? If we get GE in Nov, can any new government do a 2nd Ref before 31 Jan 2020?
Sep 2019
3:00pm, 16 Sep 2019
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On the subject of age - I don't think we should rigidly enforce a retirement age, having seen my F-i-L continue very successfully on a part-time basis into his late 80s (university research only, no teaching). He's on the verge of publishing a paper in Nature, which is a notable achievement though I'm sure he isn't the oldest to do so.

But I wouldn't want him in a position of any power or authority either, not any more...
Sep 2019
3:00pm, 16 Sep 2019
32,379 posts
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It felt like 2016 referendum arrived in a flash. But that's maybe because I didn't take it seriously at the time!
Sep 2019
3:02pm, 16 Sep 2019
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There's no realistic time scale for a ref given that we don't have a realistic time scale for agreeing on a question. 3 month extension would only give time for a GE, new alignment of HoC, ask for another extension...
Sep 2019
3:27pm, 16 Sep 2019
9,131 posts
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"Since the 1980s, household wealth has grown much faster than our incomes. The result is that it’s now very, very hard to become rich without making sure you had the right parents – or turned things around later by marrying someone who did."


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