Polarized training

3 lurkers | 91 watchers
Nov 2021
6:49am, 21 Nov 2021
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Yes, thanks gobi!
Feb 2022
7:33am, 21 Feb 2022
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Interesting article:

Feb 2022
8:56am, 21 Feb 2022
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Just continues the debate and terminology or enforces that one size is not the same size even if you wear the same shoes .

Lately I hale been doing a little stuff closer to z3 so less polarized than normal. In some ways just to mix up my running a little.
Feb 2022
9:12am, 21 Feb 2022
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Polarised training was an observation so not sure it should be a goal anyway. Interesting that some are saying what was observed wasn't polarised though.
Feb 2022
10:23am, 21 Feb 2022
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Did you cross country at the weekend SPR?
Feb 2022
11:06am, 21 Feb 2022
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Nah, have niggle which came on after the last one and was more than a niggle for a few weeks so wasn't worth the risk. Feeling good in training so hopefully can be 100% by the relays.

Went to support (was at Leamington for D1) and it was very muddy.

Presume you did? Any promotion/ relegation?
Feb 2022
11:14am, 21 Feb 2022
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Interesting article. The main message I always took from polarised training was to make sure there was lots of steady low-lactate aerobic work. Interesting to see some doing periods of much more intense work but I guess at their level they have the ability to recover adequately.

Worth also pointing out that the speed skater with weeks of threshold probably doesn't race more than 15 mins in his main events (records of 6min and 12min30 for the 5k and 10k skate). It's a far higher intensity race than most of us doing 10k up to marathons. He was also still doing 2.5-3h of steady state per day along with the 90 mins of threshold intervals (I just looked up his manifesto). Not quite what I'd assumed from the article.
Feb 2022
11:48am, 21 Feb 2022
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Safe in Div 2 - I had a good run , comments on cross country thread

Speed skater is a beast jdawayinamanger
Feb 2022
12:13pm, 21 Feb 2022
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Yes, my take on the article was that some of the objection to polarized training is really from the idea that pyramidal training is more effective, but for me the two are really variants of the same thing, just varying, and not that much, according to what proportion of the training should be done in the hard as opposed to very hard band. Both espouse the notion that the majority of your training should be done easy.

Curiously enough, on paper the training I've been doing over the last year, following the 'Easy Interval Method' (see separate thread: https://www.fetcheveryone.com/forum/apos-easy-interval-method-apos-61857/1) would not count as polarized at all, as pretty well every session is an interval session and would therefore count as 'hard' in Seiler's terms. But I'm a big fan of PT and still think of what I am doing as polarized training, because each session is no harder on the body than an easy run (which these sessions replace), being a mix of fast, but not crazy fast, intervals and very easy same distance recovery jogs.
Feb 2022
12:56pm, 21 Feb 2022
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J2R - "as pretty well every session is an interval session and would therefore count as 'hard' in Seiler's terms"

Not sure that's correct? It's not hard automatically because it's Intervals as run-walk is an interval type. IIRC easy went up to 85% max in a 3 zone model based on Seiler

About This Thread

Maintained by Canute
Polarised training is a form of training that places emphasis on the two extremes of intensity. There is a large amount of low intensity training (comfortably below lactate threshold) and an appreciable minority of high intensity training (above LT).

Polarised training does also include some training near lactate threshold, but the amount of threshold training is modest, in contrast to the relatively high proportion of threshold running that is popular among some recreational runners.

Polarised training is not new. It has been used for many years by many elites and some recreational runners. However, it has attracted great interest in recent years for two reasons.

First, detailed reviews of the training of many elite endurance athletes confirms that they employ a polarised approach (typically 80% low intensity, 10% threshold and 10% high intensity. )

Secondly, several scientific studies have demonstrated that for well trained athletes who have reached a plateau of performance, polarised training produces greater gains in fitness and performance, than other forms of training such as threshold training on the one hand, or high volume, low intensity training on the other.

Much of the this evidence was reviewed by Stephen Seiler in a lecture delivered in Paris in 2013 .

In case you cannot access that lecture by Seiler in 2013, here is a link to his more recent TED talk.

This has less technical detail than his 2013 talk, but is nonetheless a very good introduction to the topic. It should be noted that from the historical perspective, Seiler shows a US bias.

Here is another useful video by Stephen Seiler in which he discusses the question of the optimum intensity and duration of low intensity sessions. Although the answer ‘depends on circumstances’ he proposes that a low intensity session should be long enough to reach the point where there are detectable indications of rising stress (either the beginning of upwards drift of HR or increased in perceived effort). If longer than this, there is increasing risk of damaging effects. A session shorter than this might not be enough to produce enough stress to achieve a useful training effect.


The coach who probably deserves the greatest credit for emphasis on the value of low intensity training was Arthur Lydiard, who coached some of the great New Zealanders in the 1960's and Scandinavians in the 1970’s. One of his catch-phrases was 'train, don't strain'. However Lydiard never made it really clear what he meant by ‘quarter effort’. I have discussed Lydiard’s ideas on several occasions on my Wordpress blog. For example: canute1.wordpress.com

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