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parkrun thread

1 lurker | 507 watchers
Nov 2017
10:06pm, 6 Nov 2017
273 posts
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Disturbing lack of volunteer credits for our friend Max :-)
Nov 2017
10:33pm, 6 Nov 2017
5,122 posts
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Jovi Runner
A Christmas day double whilst not officially being able to be recorded is still practically possible in Newcastle/Gateshead. In fact CC2 Speedy Goth from Fetch did it a couple of years back. To do so you have to be able to do the first one in close to or below 20 mins though!
Nov 2017
10:41pm, 6 Nov 2017
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Jovi Runner
Whilst I have not been parkrunning as long as Gobi (just about to celebrate my 10th year anniversary n a coupe of weeks) I have seen how parkrun has changed over the lat 10 years. For me it is moving ever further from its original ideals and what in fact attracted the majority of us to it in the first place. This drive for ever more inclusivity and edicts from parkrun HQ seem to be moving it further and further from a running event. I will no doubt be pilloried for saying it but for me it was and always will be a run and the move away from focussing on the running element (to its detriment IMO) means I am becoming ever more disillusioned with the concept. Selfish though it may sound to others I personally am not prepared to give up my time for an ever increasing period on a Saturday to facilitate a stroll in the park which I feel parkrun is becoming more like with the tailwalker rebadging etc. I am passionate about running (across all paces) and I see it as actually doing people a disservice by not encouraging running over walking. I know I'm now increasingly in the minority for having these views but if we are to be an inclusive community then surely people with views that it is a run and not a walk should also be able to be heard/respected And before anyone says there are people who cant run then I do realise that and I am in no way disparaging any of those people who are really giving it their all - whatever pace that may be - but having run several parkruns from the back there seems to be an every increasing number of people who are simply strolling along for a social chat and I, personally, don't see that is what PSH originally set up or what his aim for parkrun was.
Nov 2017
10:49pm, 6 Nov 2017
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I'm not so sure you are in the minority...
Nov 2017
10:57pm, 6 Nov 2017
915 posts
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I'm happy with parkrun being inclusive, as long as that means inclusive of the keen, fast people too. Sometimes I'm not sure it does.
Nov 2017
11:01pm, 6 Nov 2017
61,899 posts
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Jenny New Years Day 2012

Bushy NonSuch and Riddlesdown

All run in around 19 mins to make sure we could get to the next one
Nov 2017
7:44am, 7 Nov 2017
61,902 posts
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Ps. Nice Jovi
Nov 2017
8:12am, 7 Nov 2017
1,708 posts
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Wythall parkrun confirmed as having bitten the dust after a single run: facebook.com
Nov 2017
9:19am, 7 Nov 2017
3,172 posts
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I think the things to remember are:
parkrun isnt really for established runners any more, we are fine to take part, but are not the core "audience"
those of us who have been parkrunning a while, we put a lot into it, so at times it does feel a little sad that this has changed
Individual events still have a nice feel, probably down to lovely volunteers

Its still a great idea to have a timed run every week when you want it, but I certainly dont feel any allegiance to parkrun as a thing these days. I always mention it to new runners because it played an important part in me running more, but I dont recommend it to those I am coaching for race practice etc., I think I would have done this even a few years ago, but it doesnt feel fair to them or parkrun now.
Nov 2017
9:26am, 7 Nov 2017
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Mirrored my thoughts exactly Jovi. I think there's a lot of us out there, but instead of vocally making the case are just parkrunning less and less. I am close to 250 so still want to get there, but after that I will increasingly be looking for other runs on Saturdays.

If you just want a walk and a chat why do you need to be timed?

Waiting for the rebrand to 'cakewalk'.

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Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Note: Hendo is a boy.
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