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parkrun thread

10 lurkers | 507 watchers
Nov 2017
11:14am, 6 Nov 2017
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First finisher was female at Inverness on Saturday. First time that's happened in 322 runs.
Nov 2017
11:23am, 6 Nov 2017
346 posts
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are we allowed to celebrate that Nessie?
Nov 2017
12:00pm, 6 Nov 2017
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I have no idea ;)
Nov 2017
12:05pm, 6 Nov 2017
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@larkim - I think you mean the maps I created in 2015 and 2016:


I was about to say sorry, I've been a bit too busy to do it for this year yet, but it seems somebody has saved me the job! Something something imitation flattery. :)
Nov 2017
1:04pm, 6 Nov 2017
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Cheers Charlie - I've no idea who did the various things in the past, but doesn't surprise me that you'd be behind them!

I'd never really thought of doing a double before, but the thought of being able to run the 8 miles between two of them is appealing!

Just on the concept of doubles, I know that it is only on NYD that you are "allowed" to run a double. But given that that is feasible on NYD simply because some go for a later start, why are doubles "banned" on other days as surely the incidence of them would be almost non-existent given the time taken to get from the finish of one to the start of another would be at least 10 minutes even on the two closest? Surely doubles are effectively "banned" by the logistics on a normal Saturday?
Nov 2017
1:14pm, 6 Nov 2017
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AIUI, the parkrun IT systems require some special massaging of the database results processing to allow doubles to take place. The system normally disallows one barcode from being used in two places on the same day, which seems sensible.

In the past, if I remember correctly, a Christmas day double was also possible, but that was dropped (in 2013?) as presumably it required someone at HQ to work long hours on Christmas morning.
Nov 2017
1:15pm, 6 Nov 2017
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I always thought it was because they were all supposed to start at 9:00/9:30, so there would be no possibility. Presumably the later start on NYD is to allow for sore heads from the night before.
Nov 2017
1:15pm, 6 Nov 2017
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Hang on, I posted the wrong link. This is the one I maintained last year and was hoping to do again:


On the subject of doubles, it's possible to do more than one on the same day in Australia (and possibly elsewhere) where time zones or differing start times make it feasible. HQ say they will only recognise one, but in practice they don't have any actual process in place to trap these, and there are a number of Australian parkrunners who have multiple occurrences of two runs on the same day. One guy even flew from Oz or NZ in time to do Crissy Field abd was featured in the parkrun blog, so it's definitely a soft rule!
Nov 2017
1:32pm, 6 Nov 2017
1,707 posts
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The international date line double has been done at least twice. One Auckland & Chrissy Field and once Sydney & Vancouver. The Copenhagen double has happened in August for the last 4 years. Christmas Day doubles were allowed in 2012, but not since.
Nov 2017
1:33pm, 6 Nov 2017
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You can do doubles on a parkrun day, but this is then flagged to the parkrun boffins. We had a runner that had the wrong athlete barcode on his wrist band and we used to get an email on the Monday that we had a duplicate runner id. The runner showed up on both sets of results. Once we had worked out who it was we got him to get another wrist band.

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Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Note: Hendo is a boy.
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