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parkrun thread

8 lurkers | 507 watchers
Aug 2017
5:30pm, 19 Aug 2017
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Windsor Wool
I went to Colby today. Really recommend it if you are holidaying in South Wales. I forgot my barcode but the team was so friendly they had a list for sinners to put their names on and get re-instated. Brilliant.
Aug 2017
5:43pm, 19 Aug 2017
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Colby is lovely, I did it a couple of years ago when on holiday. Nearly killed myself going sub 20. By the way, they really aren't meant to manually add people without barcodes, it sets a precedent which causes large events issues. It should be no barcode, no time.
Aug 2017
5:52pm, 19 Aug 2017
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We've recently clamped down on that - we also used to have a list but as a relatively small event and as long as the results processors didn't mind it was never really an issue. But we don't do it any more as it can upset people who go elsewhere and expect the same and as we are expanding it is becoming more of a chore, and bottom line rules is rules - no barcode no time as cw so rightly says!

I once had someone literally right up in my face when we tried to clampdown before. She was saying "I volunteer at junior parkrun, so I know how easy it is to update the system manually, so just put me on the list". So I told her as a volunteer she should know better than anyone to bring her barcode but I told her to write it down herself and then told the results processor not to upload it!!
Aug 2017
6:56pm, 19 Aug 2017
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We had problems like that at Conwy a couple of weeks ago woman giving the run director a load of abuse. Talking to him after a day he was very disillusioned, wondering why he was giving up his Saturday away from his young family just to get a load of people giving him verbals. Have to say I rarely do anything other than marshal these days as was getting fed up with the whingeing if I was scanning.
Aug 2017
8:24pm, 19 Aug 2017
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We are very firm about NBNTNE. We were a bit more generous initially but it became apparent that some people were taking the p!ss - one guy claimed to have lost his barcode out on the course for several weeks running, we suspect simply because he couldn't be bothered to queue up and have his barcode scanned like everyone else. As numbers climbed it took long enough to enter the non-scanning barcodes manually, let alone add in people who forgot, genuinely or not.

It's interesting, nowadays it is very rare that we have people ask. Possibly because we explicitly say No Barcode No Time No Exceptions in the briefing.
Aug 2017
8:43pm, 19 Aug 2017
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Windsor Wool
Perhaps parkrun towers should close the loophole that allows this level of unwanted generosity?
Aug 2017
8:46pm, 19 Aug 2017
28,002 posts
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Perhaps I should spit when I say this but we're getting a Great Run Local starting up next week, on a Sunday, in a different park, but not far from our parkrun.
Aug 2017
8:49pm, 19 Aug 2017
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Would be difficult to do (impossible?) without still allowing for people who do have their barcode but it doesn't scan for one reason or another
Aug 2017
9:32pm, 19 Aug 2017
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That's interesting AR. I kind of though GR Local had more or less died a death not least because you have to pay a fiver (I think) for your wristband and parkrun is free. Still any run is a good run - I doubt that it'll hit your local parkrun numbers very hard.
Aug 2017
9:37pm, 19 Aug 2017
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Yep, you can’t close the loophole without stopping unscannables and since some of them will be from the position token, rather than the athlete barcode then you need the manual entry. As LazyDaisy says, it’s best the NB, NT message is put in the briefing and then just reiterated if you get any pleas (or mobiles!) when scanning. I always tell the scanners if anyone gets verbal then just send them to the RD and he/she will handle the situation. If you re told that another event always does manual entry then you just say ‘well we don’t’ or ‘they shouldn’t, parkrun tell us no barcode, no result’. That usually finishes the conversation.

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Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:


parkruns with restart permission: google.com

Note: Hendo is a boy.
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