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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Over 50's club

1 lurker | 326 watchers
May 2020
2:46pm, 19 May 2020
46,615 posts
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I've met few people of any size who seem to be really OK with their figure. Saying, "Actually, I'm happy with my size and shape," is likely to result in a chorus of, "NO! You're not ALLOWED to say that!"
May 2020
2:50pm, 19 May 2020
16,465 posts
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I don't want to lose weight, but if I could get rid of some of the flab from my bely that would be good
May 2020
2:50pm, 19 May 2020
36,292 posts
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I'm fitter but no thinner since lockdown, although I've avoided gaining any weight. Doing a wider range of stuff than I usually do means I'm probably no faster on the rower than I was before all this, but I'm betting I'd be faster cycling, running, and picking stuff up than I was.

On being overweight or not, the maths is pretty straight forward: Eat less calories than you burn. That's not the tricky bit. That's all about psychology and the relationship with food and identity and insecurity. Some people are thin. Some aren't.

I've been beaten soundly in races by people who are carrying significantly more weight than me, and I've know skinny people who are incredibly unhealthy and unfit (which aren't the same thing). If telling someone who is overweight that they should eat less was likely to work there wouldn't be any fat people would there? Nothing is ever that simple and guilt and shame are poor motivators to change a whole lifestyle, even if change is desired.

Pointing out to someone that they're fat (newsflash: they already know) says more about you than them and won't help them to a healthier state.

Here endeth the sermon.
May 2020
2:55pm, 19 May 2020
34,847 posts
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Actually, I'm happy with my size and shape.

Why am I not allowed to say that V'rap?! (not trying to be difficult, just interested.)

I've always been same size and shape and I don't have to work very hard at it. I could understand folk saying "lucky git". Is that why one shouldn't say it? :-) G
May 2020
3:01pm, 19 May 2020
36,293 posts
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Food, diet, fashion and fitness industries rely on making you feel uncomfortable about who or what you are then sell you products that will cure you of a problem that's not actually a problem G. You can't be Happy. There's no profit for them in that!;-)
May 2020
3:07pm, 19 May 2020
34,848 posts
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Good point V'rap - Da Business doesn't want us to be happy. True indeed! :-) G
May 2020
3:07pm, 19 May 2020
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Sorry, that was @Nellers, not V'rap. :-) G
May 2020
3:10pm, 19 May 2020
46,618 posts
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As Nellers says, :) G. There is a chunk of the economy that is founded on keeping people discontented with the way they look, society as a whole has bought into it, and if someone stands apart and says, "I'm OK, thanks," it can make their peers uncomfortable.
May 2020
3:12pm, 19 May 2020
41,946 posts
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Derby Tup
Fashion, car industry, all kinds of sport . . .
May 2020
3:14pm, 19 May 2020
19,750 posts
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There's a lot of people who would argue with your basic premise, Nellers, and some of them are making a tidy living from it (and others are funding that tidy living). I'm not one of them, even if there may be tweaks to be made.(Step one: eat more fibre. Unless the consequences are did.)

As for your second point: there are millions out there who I reckon have no idea that a: they're fat; and/or b: how fat they are.

[Sidebar: I was so fucking disappointed to read that Nancy Pelosi had described the Covidiot-In-Chief as "morbidly obese". Of the many, many things which you could say about him, that isn't one. Don't make shit up!]

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