Apr 2018
8:56am, 19 Apr 2018
1,362 posts
My early runs are now light enough to go into the woods. It was the wonderful bird song that paced me along the muddy paths. Best soundtrack ever written.
My celandines were plentiful.. but too sleepy to show their faces.
It’s not a SSSI .. just an old spinney but deciduous woods are very special.
Apr 2018
9:20am, 19 Apr 2018
38,139 posts
I'm happy to be able to do part of my evening runs on country lanes now too, instead of round the same small span of lit streets. Looking forward to evening bike rides soon. I was optimistic yesterday, because my desk was clear at 6.20pm, but then one of my colleagues came in wanting to debrief about a million different things and it was 7.30pm by the time I got home. Maybe tonight
Apr 2018
9:45am, 19 Apr 2018
2,154 posts
Surprised to find myself 7th in the Run the Sum list, especially considering I have a couple of rest days most weeks. I think it's too hot to run this morning, such a change in just a couple of days.
Love the bluebell pic, LD, looking forward to seeing some round here too. The warm weather has definitely brought out the insect life, have already swallowed one on a run. Intrigued to see if we get tree bees nesting again this year (if only to annoy the neighbours who were horrified when we just left the bees alone last year and didn't destroy the nest).
Apr 2018
3:36pm, 19 Apr 2018
2,503 posts
I like that quote struthious, it's a little more gentle than the lines written in Tim Noake's book "The Lore of Running", although what he says is true too: "..the runners at greatest risk of overtraining and injury are those who have always run and were once competitive. It takes great insight and wisdom to know that the glory days are past and a new perspective must be reached". He also reminds us that it's worth trying to achieve as much as possible on a minimum of training if you're over 45 or have been competing for more than twenty years. I'll guess that a lot of folks won't go for that! Lovely pic LazyD--- bluebells are way behind this year as are all plants. My rowan tree is forty days later in coming into leaf, primroses are still flowering in abundance when usually they would have been long gone... It'll be an interesting London Marathon if the temperature remains as it is.
Apr 2018
4:39pm, 19 Apr 2018
22,216 posts
40 days late! That is indeed a late Spring. I was surprised to see two VLMers join our Thursday club run this morning as I'd expected them to be resting but one said she wanted to test out running in the heat. Something tells me that it's a bit late to acclimatise now but maybe I'm wrong?
Personally I'd rather run in cooler weather but another runner this morning said she couldn't possibly wear shorts yet as it was far too chilly
Apr 2018
9:38pm, 20 Apr 2018
3,770 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I think it is warmer in London this evening than it has ever been in the far north in the 9 years I've lived there. But one advantage of age is having lived in a few hot places, so if Sunday is warm so be it. As usual it'll be far worse for slower runners (like my friend who'll be out there twice as long as I (hopefully!) will. I'll run while looking forward to al fresco drinking on a warm afternoon.
Apr 2018
10:56pm, 20 Apr 2018
792 posts
Fenland Flier
Have fun and enjoy 57.5.
Apr 2018
12:09am, 21 Apr 2018
1,835 posts
Yes, good luck 57.5. Have a great day.
Apr 2018
10:16am, 21 Apr 2018
2,507 posts
anorak stuff here: sorry LazyDaisy..don't know where I pulled that 40 days from! My rowan in full leaf is in fact just eleven days later than last year; my bluebells (English) flowered yesterday, 14 days later than last year. It takes 7-14 days to acclimatise (according to various bits of research) and you also lose that acclimatisation within six weeks when you return to a different climate. 57.5..so true in respect of the slower runners, many of whom put in the same effort as somewhat faster runners. Great to be over and done with by mid day or thereabouts! So enjoy the day 57.5 (still sub threeing?)
Apr 2018
11:45am, 21 Apr 2018
22,238 posts
Ha Steve that sounds more like it