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Over 50's club

326 watchers
Feb 2018
5:04pm, 13 Feb 2018
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I prefer to run on my own...that's how I began in 1978 and that's what's been consolidated! Exceptions were when I was at my best and ran once a week with a club and now occasionally with my wife. I could be described then as a miserable old git ( I'm not!) but I like to run at MY pace and when I want to. I don't do races anymore either and generally love running.....although not today when my six miler was a helluva slog!
Feb 2018
8:39pm, 13 Feb 2018
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Hillstrider - well done re that 12ml forest run.

V'rap - I now have visions of you hanging pizza just out of reach of the front of your treadmill as a motivational tool ;)

LD - in a race I don't want company beside me .. I want them in front of me so I can concentrate on catching them.

Columba - re 23min run, it all counts and you are on the comeback trail so carry on feeling bold and virtuous.

Flatlander - in races, I generally don't have any breath to spare to chat :)

Steve45 - I do enter races (though I'm never going to be at the front) but was annoyed to find out a local one I wanted to do (Westonbirt 10k in May) had sold out before I was even aware entries had opened (have added my name to the waiting list FWIW).

I played golf yesterday and did 18 holes instead of the usual 9. We were out on the course for 4.5hrs so I felt a tad weary afterwards. I was visiting my son earlier today and had planned to run when I got home - but I was still feeling a bit worn out so gave it a miss. I may run tomorrow - but just a little jog-ette as I want to go to the club run on Thu. And I've promised to head to Waitrose tomorrow to see what they have in the way of a Valentine's ready meal that I can 'cook' (snigger) for Mrs WM tomorrow evening.
Feb 2018
8:48pm, 13 Feb 2018
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Sorry I'll not be there on Thursday Mel but I'm sure you'll all cope without me :-)
Feb 2018
8:58pm, 13 Feb 2018
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LD - I remembered you weren't going to be there on Thu and I'm sure we'll cope. I just hope someone else knows the whole route 'cos as you know, I usually just follow you! ;)
Feb 2018
12:33pm, 14 Feb 2018
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Never at the front for me either WtnMel but I was always in the first third in any race. Now it would be the last third!
Feb 2018
11:52am, 15 Feb 2018
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Morning all, bright and sunny, a big difference with yesterdays non stop rain.

I quite enjoy running on my own, especially long runs, as it makes me concentrate with no distractions. I also like running with one or two others, as it is good to take turns setting the pace.

I ran a steady 6.1 miles in the forest this morning on heavy legs. The result from two successive hard spin sessions.
Feb 2018
3:11pm, 15 Feb 2018
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Steve - don't think I've ever been anywhere other than the last third!

HS - well done re your 6 miler despite your heavy legs.

Cheesed off at the moment. I played golf on Monday and that seems to have caused a problem with my left foot. It's not particularly painful or anything - more of an irritation - but I can't put weight onto my forefoot. I played 18 holes rather than my usual 9 so I can only assume the transfer of weight to my left foot twice as many times as usual has caused the problem. So naturally, running is out of the question right now and I'll just have to patiently wait for my foot to return to normal.
Feb 2018
3:44pm, 15 Feb 2018
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I've been last in several races, all of them early on in my running "career". Then I realised that what I needed was a race that attracted lots of people, so the chances were that some would be slower than me. Did a couple of "Race for Life"s, that did the trick. Never very far up the field, but not last either. Except once in a parkrun where I took a wrong turning (one of the marshalls had gone AWOL).
Feb 2018
5:15pm, 15 Feb 2018
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I was running the 1986 London Marathon when, believe it or not it was possible to become detached from those in front and those behind...so much so that I heard a voice from the spectators shout "Is he the last?" !!! You can imagine how I felt but I finished in 3hrs 19mins and in that top third of what was then a much smaller field than later years!
Feb 2018
8:25pm, 15 Feb 2018
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jings, even in chester this year in 3:02 I didnt become detached from the field !

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