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Myth of the 20-mile long run

49 watchers
Apr 2018
1:38pm, 26 Apr 2018
12,580 posts
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Looks at Lancaster elevation - 100ft in last half mile and the rest is flat apart from some teensy weensy undulations... HappyG you wuss!

A quick reminder of my pb course: goodrunguide.co.uk (notes that the flat equivalent is a mile longer, does that mean morally I have broken 3.15?)
Apr 2018
1:58pm, 26 Apr 2018
38,169 posts
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That 100ft elevation will feel like the north face of the Eiger :-O
Apr 2018
2:05pm, 26 Apr 2018
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100ft in half a mile would be OK. Hull has actually got what looks like a 300ft climb, twice. Chris, there's a reason why people look for pancake flat marathons...! :-P
Apr 2018
2:13pm, 26 Apr 2018
767 posts
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Little Miss Happy
I think that's when you go over the bridge, turn round and come back Happy.
Apr 2018
2:14pm, 26 Apr 2018
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It could also stop you in your tracks! I remember being sniffy with Baz about how the slight climb up towards the end of Chester wasn't really a hill, but I can remember how much closer to the limit I suddenly felt at that point with just that change in gradient. Though I had a great distraction from AutumnLeaves as part of the Race Angels going up there which took my mind off it at least a bit!
Apr 2018
2:17pm, 26 Apr 2018
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I thought AL did that just for me, until I found out that Race Angels is a thing and that they help everyone up that hill (and other points on course). That hill was reasonably tough though Larks. And the one out of Wales in that first village, up from the wee bridge over the river. Ouch!

But Lancaster might be a good option. :-) G
Apr 2018
2:20pm, 26 Apr 2018
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I did do it for quite a few people but I made a point of Fetchie spotting and runnign with them whether they looked like they needed it or not!
Apr 2018
2:22pm, 26 Apr 2018
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The RaceAngels thing is an inspired idea for "active" supporting - especially at spots like that! I suppose not too different to Fetchpoint as an idea, but they get around a lot of the races around here.

I had more difficulties running down the hill on the Welsh side than up on the other side, but if you didn't know it was coming it was a little bit more than you'd have expected. I remember watching a strava "flyby" post race and seeing how the group I was with basically splintered apart at that point depending on how well you coped with that hill at the Welsh border.
Apr 2018
2:39pm, 26 Apr 2018
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stuart little
G - hull is not to bad really - its not a pancake, but the last ~5 miles meander gently downhill to compensate.
Apr 2018
2:39pm, 26 Apr 2018
28,667 posts
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Yes, it looks like it's about the bridge LMH in Hull. And thanks for Yeovil suggestion, but yes June is probably a bit too soon after Edinburgh for me.

I managed 13 miles running up and down a 1 mile section supporting at Edinburgh marathon last year. It's a great way to support. You can then run along side someone for a couple of minutes if need be. Or go and collect something to help them. Or just join in some banter. I didn't know it was called Race Angels. I was just being, as you say, sort of active support. Running supporter supporting runners, as it were.

It was fab to have you run with me for a bit AL. A real boost.

I hope to do (at least some of) my long run with my new club mates. As long as they are going slowly enough! :-) G

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Maintained by Tim of Fife
For years, with marathon training, a long run of 20 miles has been the aspiration for many. They fe...
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