Fortnightly Long Runs

3 watchers
Feb 2012
2:56pm, 16 Feb 2012
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I'm training for my 2nd half marathon and I started out with a Hal Higdon plan and tweaked it to suit me. This mainly involved starting earlier and allowing myself some slack so that when life got in the way, all wasn't lost. It turns out that on average I'm running my long runs on a fortnightly basis rather than weekly. I wondered whether to make this a deliberate strategy for when I train for the GNR later in the year. I'm not a fast runner, and I don't expect to be much faster than what I am now, I'm happy to run, enjoy it, and be pleased with the achievement of completing a distance. Im also fairly injury prone too. Is a fortnightly long run plan a good idea or not?
Feb 2012
3:14pm, 16 Feb 2012
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Im no coach but I think if your target is the acheivement of completion and fortnightly runs work for your personal schedule, then why not? Just make sure those fortnightly runs are good ones and that you are running reasonable distances mid week in your 'off week' :)
Feb 2012
3:15pm, 16 Feb 2012
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Sorry if my advice is a bit pap, I just wanted to keep your question on the front page.
Feb 2012
3:19pm, 16 Feb 2012
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Personally I think fortnightly long runs would be fine, esp if injury prone, you aren't going to lose the endurance benefits in just two weeks, provided you are doing other runs in the meantime. At the most I would suggest long runs on 3 weeks and then a recovery week without a long run.
Feb 2012
3:20pm, 16 Feb 2012
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I would just like to say that 'pap' is an excellent word and I've not heard it used for years *applause* :-)
Feb 2012
6:50pm, 16 Feb 2012
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yes that would be the plan. Long runs every fortnight and other runs in between. I'll give it a go thanks
Feb 2012
9:56am, 17 Feb 2012
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One of the books I have (can't remember which) has fortnightly long run, although every other one is more of a medium long run. I'll have a look later for it if no one else mentions it.
Feb 2012
10:12am, 17 Feb 2012
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Maybe have your longest run of the week (but not a long run if you see what I mean) on the day of the week you would do your long run fortnightly.

That probably makes no sense but it did when I typed it.
Feb 2012
10:56am, 17 Feb 2012
1,377 posts
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I think I get you Peter :) that would be interesting to read thanks James

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I'm training for my 2nd half marathon and I started out with a Hal Higdon plan and tweaked it to su...

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