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Aug 2013
1:03pm, 27 Aug 2013
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My training schedule for this week has me doing a 10 miler tomorrow at race pace and then 20 miles the next day at lsr pace. Would it be better to switch these around so the attempt at 10 miles at race pace would be with knackered legs or shall I keep them as is? Just wondering!
Aug 2013
1:07pm, 27 Aug 2013
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Keep it as is - treat the first 5 of the 20 as a recovery run ;). 10 at race pace after a long LSR will be much harder...
Aug 2013
1:10pm, 27 Aug 2013
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Sounds like a Hal plan. His explanation is that you're more likely to get the pace in the 10 if your legs are reasobnably fresh and the 20 needs to be slow anyway, which it will probably have to be after the 10. It also means that psychologically you've done the last few of the 20 on tired legs and got through it, so 26 in one go startingon fresh lgs shoudl be a breeze (or as near to a breeze as 26.2 ever is).
Aug 2013
1:16pm, 27 Aug 2013
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ha! "treat the first 5 of the 20 as a recovery" - I think the whole of the 20 miler will be as a recovery :-o And I'm loving Nellers presumption that I will manage that last few of the 20!
Thank you for the comments, I shall keep as is :-)
Aug 2013
1:30pm, 27 Aug 2013
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You haven't got to go fast, Minardi. You've just got to keep going. Of course you'll finish the 20.:-)
Aug 2013
8:01pm, 27 Aug 2013
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Lydiard would have also recommended fast 10 followed by slow 20. He recommended what he described as a ¾ effort run of medium length followed by a long run at ¼ effort. You will start the 20 on day 2 with slow twitch muscle fibres already partially exhausted, so during the 20 you will need to recruit fast twitch fibres to help out and you will encourage them to work aerobically - just as they need to when the slow twtichers begin to fail in the final few miles of a marathon. Just focus on taking each step of the 20 at ¼ effort, and don’t let your mind dwell on how far you have to go.
I guess this is really the same as what Nellers is saying, just worded a bit differently.

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Maintained by merry minardi *hic*
My training schedule for this week has me doing a 10 miler tomorrow at race pace and then 20 miles t...

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