Mar 2020
11:41am, 14 Mar 2020
29,980 posts
Re hygiene standards, I forgot to mention that I lost my BRAT Club hoodie to coronavirus as my gym is throwing clothing left behind away. Forgot it at the gym on Tuesday. I wasn't surprised to hear they'd binned it tbh.
Mar 2020
6:07pm, 14 Mar 2020
1,776 posts
Our gym is still open and they've been doing more cleaning than usual, and everyone is making more of an effort to regularly wash hands, etc (no easy feat in a strongman/bodybuilding gym).
I'm burst after event training this morning - always am on a Saturday! I did come home to my little gift to us of a massage gun (just a cheaper version on Amazon) - it's actually so good!
Mar 2020
7:28am, 17 Mar 2020
29,995 posts
Yesterday's announcement might change things for some gyms. Mine seems to be staying open. I'm wondering if it's socially irresponsible to go though.
Mar 2020
8:26am, 17 Mar 2020
5,276 posts
Mine still open too, but as I am in the high risk category, have decided to stay away for a time.
Mar 2020
3:18pm, 17 Mar 2020
1,785 posts
Our gym is planning to stay open until they're specifically told otherwise, and are asking members to be sensible, wash hands regularly and to disinfect equipment after use as far as possible.
My PT has told all his clients that if they or he have to cancel due to illness/self-isolation, he'll pause their sessions, so no one loses out. His wife works at a local Puregym, where one of the hand sanitisers (the whole unit!) was stolen off the wall during the night.
Mar 2020
4:10pm, 17 Mar 2020
29,998 posts
I'm staying away this week I think and will reassess next week.
Hopefully people are being sensible and not going when they have symptoms, but you can't be sure.
Gyms on the whole seem to be taking sensible measures though.
Mar 2020
5:13pm, 17 Mar 2020
1,646 posts
My local gym is closing tonight.
Mar 2020
5:40pm, 17 Mar 2020
5,279 posts
The council run fitness facilities are closing and all classes have been cancelled.
Mar 2020
6:00pm, 17 Mar 2020
12,618 posts
early bird
I'm staying away as I've developed a cough. It's not constant and I don't have a temperature. I do however have asthma and I'm pretty confident it is that but I have messaged them and said I'm staying away and why. I have a new inhaler, enough food, paracetamol and even toilet roll 😂 I can do some home workouts if my asthma let's me.
I'm staying away from the gym primarily because I think it will make people very uncomfortable and I don't want even the slightest chance I can pass something on to happen.
Mar 2020
6:01pm, 17 Mar 2020
12,619 posts
early bird
Getting lots of messages saying they hope I feeling better soon which kinda feels wrong because I'm not really poorly 🤷♀️