Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
Jan 2020
10:44pm, 11 Jan 2020
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early bird
Oh god that sounds truly

awful. I can deadlift but hate sumo deads and they sound like they need similar technique. Well done!
What are stir the pots?

I_W I actually enjoy farmers carry but not at that weight 😂 awesome work.

Did a lot of snatch work today. Happier with my snatch balance and a bit happier with my full snatch. Its a considerable learning curve on technique even after all this time. Today I had to really concentrate on the path the bar travels as I was pulling to early and not keeping it close enough. So you start thinking knuckles down and lean back but then forget everything else about the movement 😂 🙈 I don't think. I'll ever stop learning
Jan 2020
4:19am, 12 Jan 2020
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Stirring the pot is a plank position with your forearms on a stability ball and then start drawing circles with your forearms. :-O
Jan 2020
4:14pm, 12 Jan 2020
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early bird
Ahhh we do weighted planks. Not got above 10kg yet should really be on 15kg by now 🙄
Jan 2020
7:50pm, 16 Jan 2020
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early bird
I can confirm we have 0.25kg weights and we now also now have 2.5kg 'full size' bumper plates 😊 they looked awesome today when I was practicing some technique work 😂 they are a lovely red colour and if you don't look too closely they look like 25kg 😂
Jan 2020
9:42pm, 16 Jan 2020
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I like the sound of those. I asked again and am reliably informed that they have some 1.25kg plates on order and they should be in by the next time I’m in the gym (tomorrow). So we’ll see...
Jan 2020
9:41pm, 17 Jan 2020
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early bird
Front squat 50kg tonight. Failed first attempt nailed it second attempt.
Practised hang cleans tonight, my technique getting better but still not perfect. I am happy with my progress though 😊
Jan 2020
10:19pm, 23 Jan 2020
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early bird
I went to the gym today for the first time this week as OH got struck down by a horrid bug early this week. I managed to get a much weaker version and recovered very quickly so it was a 'let's just go and practice some moves'. That turned into about two ish hours (I really have no idea what time we arrived but we were definitely there for 'ages'.
I did a lot of technical work on my cleans. It's so frustrating trying to get 'all' the cues to work at the same time. Every single lift it was something but I am a bit happier again now.
Now... snatch arghhh I ways either avoid, get frustrated or nearly cry when I have to do snatches. So.. yes I decided I was going to bloody work on them too (well I was procrastinating as I had uni homework) I have never done full snatch with anything more than an empty bar so todays aim was to work on technique and to try and a lite bit of weight on the bar. I did 2 high pulls before each full snatch so I could get a feel for the weight and bars travel path. I started to add weight on and was so pleased to be able to do it. With some encouragement I added a little more and was happy again 😊..... Then someone started popping those 'little 0.5kg and 0.25kg' on saying its nothing it's only an extra 0.5kg. I managed to sneak it up to 28kg 😂😂 I also did 2 over head squats at that weight too. At the time I was like yeah thats an over head squat pb but the weight is tiny. I just did the conversion into old money....4st 5lb thats a small child I had over my head 😯. I really struggle with anything overhead it freaks me a little still about what could happen if I drop it or fail the weight. So although a small weight in terms of other lifts I am happy and I feel like I achieved something today at least 😊 🏋️‍♀️ Just not all my uni homework!! 🤔
Jan 2020
6:30am, 24 Jan 2020
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Good work EB, I hate anything above my shoulders, I don't think that women were meant to do that kind of thing so we're not built that way.
Jan 2020
10:30am, 24 Jan 2020
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Well done EB.
Getting into a routine of upper body on Tuesdays and lower body on Thursdays with pilates inbetween. I have unlimited classes with my membership but just taking it slowly as I'm already doing much more exercise than I have done in years!
Hubby was well impressed when I told him of my hip thrusts with a 20kg Bulgarian bag draped over my pelvis! :-o So was I tbh 🤣
Jan 2020
11:23am, 25 Jan 2020
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early bird
Thank you. Great hip thrusts DQ 😊 I know AR it's hard to fight 'the fear' but I'm getting there 🤞

Class last night..... Over head squats, straight leg deadlifgs and sit ups, sets of ten and ten rounds for time, closely followed by cals on equipment and hand stands 😫
Turned up to PT this morning and he said right we're going to set a bench mark I want you row 5k and we'll retest 'sometime in the future' 😔 I was feeling a bit broken this morning before I even got there. OH said he though I was going to walk out the gym 😂

I did it wasn't pretty and it most certainly wasn't fast but at least it was faster than my 5k pb when I was a semi fit runner 😉 As an epileptic I'm prone to seizures esp when I push myself hard exercising. I was given strict instructions to make sure I kept it until the row was finished ( didn't last time when I did 4k) and I did 😊 Asthma was really yucky despite taking my inhaler I coughed up 'stuff' but didn't still didn't stop until the end.
I feel like I'm on the verge of tears atm but I'm tired and pre menstrual. I'll have a nap and pull myself together. I did actually try and join the class after my PT session and got told to leave the gym 😂 I said but that means I have to do housework and shopping now 🙈 Was a bit gutted as there was push press and split jerks which I do need to work on! I am booked in for Monday after uni though 😊

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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