Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
May 2017
5:44pm, 24 May 2017
128 posts
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Brig -I am nowhere near puny.... ;) I wish I were a bit less chunky..

Deadlift Gold goal - coach got 2 x 50kg cast iron plates so the goal is to get them on the 20kg bar and get that sucker off the floor! Given my bodyweight, that wouldn't even be a great result but I am DESPERATE to get there.

Thanks for that push press link, SPR - I was worried that my feet weren't staying flat but it seems I am getting the required leg drive and that's what's happening.
May 2017
6:40pm, 24 May 2017
72 posts
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120kg! Blimey!
May 2017
6:41pm, 24 May 2017
821 posts
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Ah PT had me doing box squats last week - had to lower to the box (and mats on top), then ease the pressure off my quads, before getting back up - he had to rescue me twice when I couldn't stand up again by myself!
May 2017
10:00pm, 25 May 2017
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Oh crikey not sure I am brave enough for those then idle_wilder (but probably will anyway)
After watching the push press link video I can honestly say my own push presses this evening were improved 😃
May 2017
10:20pm, 25 May 2017
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Did box squats at 40kg again tonight, and didn't have to be rescued once :) (came close a couple of times though!). Deadlifted from floor up to 70kg again, but obviously didn't have glutes properly engaged - feeling top of glutes/hips now (not lower back exactly, but where bum kind of meets back?).
May 2017
1:09pm, 31 May 2017
7,726 posts
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I see Eddie hall has won worlds strongest man, my son will be sooooo pleased

Is there any coverage anywhere or do we have to wait until Christmas?
May 2017
3:35pm, 31 May 2017
8,280 posts
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I was so pleased to read about Eddie's success, Lammo. But yes, no TV coverage until the 20th December. :(
May 2017
3:41pm, 31 May 2017
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I don't know if i can keep the secret until then, Eddie is his hero :-)
May 2017
8:13pm, 31 May 2017
76 posts
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My son was cock a hoop too! So was I actually he deserves the win. My son went to see him do " THE lift" amazing!
Jun 2017
2:46pm, 2 Jun 2017
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I joined a gym at the start of May because I'd heard that the Pilates classes were good. They really are and it's well worth the £15 a month membership. I've been intrigued and scared in equal measures by the acres of weight training kit that I have to walk pass to get to the class so today I booked a PT session. She showed me the equipment I needed, how to use it, what weights to use and gave me a plan for the next four weeks. There are definitely some proper hardcore people there (the PT is one of them) but when I looked a bit closer, there are some normal looking people there too :) I came away feeling positive and the feelings of intimidation have gone. And I'm on a mission to do a chest press with more than just the bar (20kgs without weights) before the next time I see her...

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

Useful Links

FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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