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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Knitting, crocheting and general craftery

33 lurkers | 169 watchers
May 2020
3:19pm, 14 May 2020
16,006 posts
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I used hair bands and clipped them together at the back with a nappy pin. The buff keeps a couple of folded sheets of tissue within quite well if you want to add extra layers.
May 2020
4:28pm, 14 May 2020
17,468 posts
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loving my chevron blanket and whilst I am feeling the mojo return I have purchased a pattern called ripple camisole to use with some of my bestest yarn that I had no idea what to do with!
May 2020
5:06pm, 14 May 2020
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Here is my selection

I'm thinking the left side will be the ones I go for. I'm hoping it's a multiple use pattern!!
May 2020
5:41pm, 14 May 2020
1,671 posts
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OK I've made a couple of masks with pipe cleaner inserts but how do you stop your specs steaming up? It's hard enough to see at the moment with my cataracty right eye!!
May 2020
5:43pm, 14 May 2020
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Oh and thanks for the frumble link, I can now get some interesting bias binding for my quilt:)
May 2020
5:53pm, 14 May 2020
21,013 posts
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Gus you make sure the pipe cleaner is really well adapted over your nose, and there’s a bit of space at the bottom or the sides for your breath to escape!
May 2020
11:43pm, 14 May 2020
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Thanks Meglet, I’ll have another go in the house tomorrow
May 2020
12:24am, 15 May 2020
6,806 posts
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Very slow to the party but have to add how much I love Drell's latest go. Just wow!

Also liked the other go's and have yearning to knit top- down matinee jackets and stitch knickers...

I made three masks out of ditzy pattern cotton today before I had to rest. It was quite relaxing. I used the pattern that HB pointed us to. They have gone to my daughter's and grand-daughter.

I now need to find something a bit more culturally appropriate for son-i-l and three grandsons. Mr has bought bandanas and plans to wear them as masks. I plan to use buffs or similar. Not sure Mr or I need to wear masks at all but I'm guessing that, when this becomes the norm, folks will worry if we don't.
May 2020
6:41am, 15 May 2020
21,018 posts
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I was complimented on my mask by a young assistant in Waitrose yesterday. (He was wearing a surgical mask). There were only a couple of people with masks/face coverings on. We agreed it should be me and that once more people started wearing them others will follow. At the moment I feel like the of one out but at some point people without will feel like that!
May 2020
7:28am, 15 May 2020
23,081 posts
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Lizzie W
Please could a comfortable mask pattern be linked in the sidebar?

About This Thread

Maintained by Helegant

Possible tour of the Strictly costume workshops?

Details here: dsi-london.com

The regular "Behind the Seams" tour starts with champagne, lasts about 2 hours and includes lots of crystals and swishy dresses.

DSI London headquarters

The Courtyard

131 Aurelia Road



If anyone wants to organise a group booking then hand up now please. Groups are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday at 11am or 2pm.

Otherwise we could make individual bookings at £29 each (2pm Saturday or Tuesday)


A thread for those of us who like making 'stuff'.

Recommended yarn/craft shops: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=456

Lists of books/patterns http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=460

Fabric shops - bricks or on-line. fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=556

Article about sewing machines: fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=557

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