Indoor Rowing

2 lurkers | 44 watchers
Oct 2020
9:42am, 6 Oct 2020
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Sorry EB. Missed you question earlier. r(number) is the stroke rate that you're rowing at. It's just shorthand.

So the session last night was 2 x 10 min @ r26/ 5 min recovery.

So 10 min holding a rate of 26 (or as close to it as I could), then a 5 min break where I had a drink, wiped the sweat off and paddled at maybe 16-18 strokes a minute, then another 10 minutes at 26 strokes per minute.

Another session you see mentioned is 30r20, so 30 minutes holding 20 strokes per minute.

The ideal is to get the best pace with the lowest rate but maintaining good form. The recovery bit of each stroke, where you slide back towards the fan, doesn't give you any speed so the less often you have to do that the better, more or less.

There's an awful lot of stuff you can learn about rowing and rowing training, EB, but most of it is just icing. The cake itself is getting the technique right in the first place. That gives so much back in terms of ease and comfort that the rest follows much more easily after that.
Oct 2020
10:36am, 6 Oct 2020
7,005 posts
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EB, the Concept2 workout of the day is a good way to get ideas for short (or medium or long) sessions. You can find it at .
Oct 2020
1:54pm, 6 Oct 2020
12,821 posts
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early bird
Thank you both 😊
Oct 2020
11:22am, 7 Oct 2020
874 posts
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Just 10,000 at easy pace, metres in the bank. And I have gained a rather angry looking blood blister on one hand. At least it didn't pop during the row like a previous one did.
Oct 2020
11:38am, 7 Oct 2020
199 posts
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Welcome early bird!

Thank you Nellers, it looks like I can see your plan now via your training log.
I had my surgery on Monday, so alongside watching Homes Under The Hammer etc I'll have a look through it over the coming days and also catch up on the thread ☺️
Oct 2020
11:39am, 7 Oct 2020
200 posts
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Take care of that blister Muttley, glad it didn't pop mid row 😬
Oct 2020
12:51pm, 7 Oct 2020
37,312 posts
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Blisters are the devil's own work. Be careful with it mate.

Cheers Craggy. I'd appreciate any insights you have.
Oct 2020
12:03pm, 10 Oct 2020
880 posts
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Morning. How's it going, Craggy? A few days have passed, hopefully the surgery is successful?

And EB -- we haven't scared you away, have we? :-)

Just a 5,000 m piece today plus warmup, UT1 pace. Blood blister still there, unpopped.
Oct 2020
1:00pm, 10 Oct 2020
12,827 posts
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early bird
Haha Mutley not scared away yet.......
Just back from a tough session at the gym and all I want to do is either sit on the sofa or sleep 😴

Guess I should do a session and post really πŸ˜‚......... maybe tomorrow
Oct 2020
4:33pm, 10 Oct 2020
37,324 posts
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Planning to do a 2k test this weekend to see how things have progressed so far. Did my warm up this morning but, without getting into Too Much Information territory, I was halted by stomach troubles.

I'll see how I feel tomorrow and might give it another go if things have settled down.

Good to see you keeping it ticking over despite that blister Muttley.

Go on EB. That's your sunday session sorted.

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Fenners reborn 8:25
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03

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