Sep 2018
2:17pm, 1 Sep 2018
364 posts
Scooby Dave
Yeah, the Ergdata app has a sync option to upload to the Concept2 log and then you can set your C2 account to sync with Strava. And just in the last few days, they've added the option to sync to Garmin Connect as well. Before, I had to export from C2 and then import to Garmin Connect which will then of course update Fetch!
Sep 2018
6:22am, 3 Sep 2018
33,042 posts
So as I'm working my way through the Dark Horse tutorial videos I found one that talks about the key benchmark sessions.
The first 3 that he mentions are 2k (done), 500m and 5k. I've done plenty of 500m reps in interval sessions but I'd never tried to go all out for one, and whenever I've done a 5k steady it's been when I've bombed out of intervals for whatever reason and just needed to do something rather than aiming for a time.
Anyway, last night I did my warm-up then blasted the 500m. 1:41 dead. And I was. That's tough!
Gave myself a couple of minutes recovery then did the 5k. Well I beat my best 5k run time! 19:51.3.
I've tapped them in on the C2 rankings page. I'm about halfway down the rankings in the UK age group on both.
5k is tough on a rower! I need to work on that, I think.
Sep 2018
10:28am, 3 Sep 2018
816 posts
Scooby - I messaged fetch to see if he could pull direct from C2 logbook, but good to know that you can now pull from Garmin connect if this doesn't happen. Have you tried this yet?
My old gym had PM5s and I used to rest my phone on a towel on the floor to see the different screen. It also updated straight to the logbook which saved me having to enter manually. Current gym only has PM4s at the moment.
Nice times Nellers. 500m all out is tough.
Sep 2018
11:11am, 3 Sep 2018
365 posts
Scooby Dave
sinj, I've hit problems with the update to C2 yesterday. The row was pushed out to both strava and to Garmin Connect but didn't make it to Fetch.
I might try switching off the sync to strava tonight as I think all of the syncing could end up confusing itself. In theory, C2 should then send the data to Garmin Connect which should then pass it on to both strava and Fetch.
Maybe Fetch will need to adjust something so that the Activity Type is set to row instead of run but I'll try tonight. Thanks for messaging him.
Sep 2018
11:18am, 3 Sep 2018
366 posts
Scooby Dave
Some great times there Nellers. That 500m time looks a bit tasty. I might have to have a crack at a 500m to see where I'm at. I'm better over the longer rows at the mo thanks to the marathon plan.
I had a go at a 6k time on Friday and ended up with 24:20. I did have to ease up a couple of times as my heart rate was high and I have to remember that I'm supposed to be tapering now for the marathon.
Sep 2018
11:32am, 3 Sep 2018
4,612 posts
Nice going Nellers - impressive
Haven't rowed for a bit, but 1:45/500 was my target pace for 20s intervals when I was doing a bit of HIIT, and only managed it on first few, youre going quicker 5 x longer - wow
Sep 2018
11:53am, 3 Sep 2018
5,543 posts
I'd be a very happy bunny if I could run 5K anywhere near as fast as I can row it!
When I add a row to Garmin Connect manually it always imports here as a run - or used to - will check next time, Fetch knows of the issue.
Sep 2018
1:08pm, 3 Sep 2018
9,212 posts
Afternoon, just managed my longest row to date, 5k, took it steady and clocked just about sub 25, hamstrings and glutes are definitely my weak point
Sep 2018
1:16pm, 3 Sep 2018
33,047 posts
They won't be for long if you keep the rowing up Lammo.
No reply from the gym yet on updating the PM5s so I can use the apps and auto-download stats and stuff. I'm not back there until Wednesday so I'll have word when I go in if I've not heard by then.
Sep 2018
1:27pm, 3 Sep 2018
9,214 posts
Ah yes Nellers, i noticed my C2's are still on PM3's, was going to ask if we could get a couple of the rowers upgraded
Hope you're right Nellers, as it will help my cycling no end Will also make me do some more specific training, i guess some lunges and squats are on the plan
Any other suggestions?