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Hoka One Ones....

28 watchers
Nov 2015
5:27am, 18 Nov 2015
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Defo go and try them out if you've got the chance AL I had to take a leap of faith and just dived and bought two pairs , as you know a couple of others have since got some and loved them too but again no try before you buy opportunities , let us know how you get on , I'm sure you will love them too !!
Feb 2016
11:31pm, 16 Feb 2016
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has anyone tried the odyssey 2 or vanquish 2. it's getting a little hard to understand their line up with s lot of similar models now.
Feb 2016
7:36pm, 20 Feb 2016
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The line up is very confusing. Im a Bondi man myself :) currently running in Bondi 4's although I have a pair of Bondi 4 wides awaiting their first run. I find all Hoka's very narrow, I'm hoping the Bondi 4 wides will solve the blisters when running sockless for Tri's
Feb 2016
10:20pm, 20 Feb 2016
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Scott S
I bought some Clifton 2s and have had far less right calf problems since using them.

Absolutely useless on ice though. Went for an early morning run in New York on Wednesday and as soon as I touched ice on the sidewalks, I was nearly falling over with every step - my Asics Nimbus, whilst not 100% perfect, have considerably more grip and I can pretty much sprint in them. Had to walk gingerly (and even then nearly went over a few times) to the Queensboro Bridge and just ran the 2 miles back and forth across that as it was 99% ice free.

They do feel heavy which is a problem. Seems to require more effort to lift my feet.

Slightly tight but after a while they do loosen a bit. Could possibly re-lace them if need be.
Feb 2016
8:34pm, 21 Feb 2016
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"They do feel heavy which is a problem". Are you not being fooled by the size of them? They're light - 15g lighter than Adidas Adios boost, I'm using them as race shoes :)
Feb 2016
9:48pm, 21 Feb 2016
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K5 Gus
Agree Oranj, I was surprised to read that Scott - one thing you can't really complain about the Clifton is the weight - check them out on the kitchen digital scales, they're amazing for their size and cushioning
Feb 2016
10:17pm, 21 Feb 2016
476 posts
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I've got some...thought they might have been the answer to my foot problems. But struggling with them. Just packaged up the trail ones I ordered to return as I'm not getting along with the road version. Guess they are just too narrow for my ginormous feet. Interesting to hear there might be a wide version though, as I don't want to give up on them completely.
Feb 2016
10:41pm, 21 Feb 2016
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I can't remember if I had this problem with my 2 pairs of the original Cliftons but I seem to be struggling to break in my 2 pairs of Clifton 2s. One pair seems to just be about ok now, but thats nearly 100 miles through them.

Saying that, the 1st pair of Cliftons I bought are still going strong at 800 miles. Absolutely no where near going in the bin.
Feb 2016
1:06pm, 29 Feb 2016
192 posts
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I trashed my first pair of Cliftons in just 600km, but then I'm a midfoot striker and there's absolutely no outsole there - they feel really "slappy" now. I'm currently racing in Odyssey, which as far as I can tell is a plusher version of the Clifton (I'm getting them cheap from sales, so they may be the shoe that later became the Clifton).

I see that there's a Clifton 3 coming out soon, slightly wider in the toebox (that should please quite a few people), but also a little heavier.
Feb 2016
6:12pm, 29 Feb 2016
9,521 posts
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Can I ask why people are using Hokas? Is it just the extra cushioning to help with pounding the body, knees, joints in general? And might they help me protect my spine a bit as I have just discovered I have degenerative discs?

I tried them many moons ago, but didn't really get on with them, but there seems to be many more variations on the market now.

About This Thread

Maintained by heffaroo
Hey guys...anyone have any experience with these bad boys?

I'm picking up that they are great fo...

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