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Any suggestions for a similar race day shoe to the Hoka X3?

1 watcher
1 Feb
6:19pm, 1 Feb 2025
14,660 posts
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I'm on my second pair of Hoka X3 which I absolutely love - they're pretty much all gone online now, so I'm quite happy to look at alternatives.

Wondered if anyone had any suggestions? It won't be straight away but I like to keep my shoes stocked up. :-)
5 Feb
11:09am, 5 Feb 2025
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K5 Gus
I'm not sure that you'll find any modern shoes that are similar to the Carbon X3.

This was the 3rd iteration of Hoka's foray into building a road racing shoe, and whilst it had a full length carbon plate, it was "just" EVA foam. They have replaced it with the Rocket X2 which has peba foam which is a lot lighter, responsive and softer.

I think all shoes that manufacturers go to the expense of including a carbon plate in, now have peba or equivalent, and are therefore pretty expensive.

Even the shoes that include a nylon plate are normally at least supercritical foam (ie nitro infused)
There may still be some plated EVA foam shoes, but can't think of any of the top of my head.
5 Feb
8:29pm, 5 Feb 2025
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Cheers @K5 Gus - I think I'll just enjoy a visit to the running shop when I need to, they're good for a while

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Maintained by Sombrero
I'm on my second pair of Hoka X3 which I absolutely love - they're pretty much all gone online now, so I'm quite happy to look at alternatives.

Wondered if anyone had any suggestions? It won't be straight away but I like to keep my shoes stocked up. :-)
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