Aug 2007
2:34pm, 5 Aug 2007
8,598 posts
We were out the door at 6.30 this morning! It was hot in the sun even then, and shade (and cooling breeze today) is at a premium by the seaside.
Average for the run was 67%, but that's normal for my long runs - my issue was the last 4 actually (just checked garmin records) where I went 3-4bpm over 70%. The last mile was high - 11bpm over - didn't care by that time, had ran out of water and just wanted to get home! Bit naughty but hey.
Just about rehydrated and rested now.
Aug 2007
2:37pm, 5 Aug 2007
8,599 posts
Cheers TMW, appreciate those comments.
Well done hellen on 20 miles too
Aug 2007
2:48pm, 5 Aug 2007
98 posts
Just set a new Max HR for me at the end of a tough 1/2 marathon. Tried very hard on thursday to set it by hill intervals but today was 5 bpm higher.
Hendo, sounds like you did a really good run if you only went over 70% at the end, the heat was extreme today, got to have a big effect. My HR shot up much quicker to day than normal.
Aug 2007
2:53pm, 5 Aug 2007
1,263 posts
wow, thats really good hendo to keep below 70% most the time. What is your usual LSR pace?
Aug 2007
4:18pm, 5 Aug 2007
8,603 posts
Hellen - normally between 10 and 10:30, but my HR will be around 65%
My 70% pace on a cool day(!) is around the 9:30 mark, but did a 9 mile 70% run last week at 9:09.
Aug 2007
6:17pm, 5 Aug 2007
14,728 posts
New MHR reached in the 10km race today - now 193.
Happy me.:-)
Aug 2007
7:48pm, 5 Aug 2007
9,548 posts
Great to see some sterling work done here again. Good running by all!
I second TMWs remarks about training in the heat. It was hot today; I did my 16 miler at 1pm today and it was HOT. I paid particular attention to hydration and I didn't start to wilt much until the last 2 miles where it got a bit tough. Still I feel much better for having done it. It reminded me of Prague, maybe about the same temperature, not sure.
I didn't use my HRM though as I've been waiting for the horrible rash to clear up caused by the elastic. That's just about gone so I'll use it on my 20 miler next week I think. I stuck to the old conversational paced run, started off slowly with Heidi and then got into a comfortable pace where I stayed for the duration. As I say, it only started to feel a bit uncomfortable for the last two miles which is about right i reckon.
Aug 2007
1:03pm, 6 Aug 2007
310 posts
I am somehow waiting for the bubble to burst, have had another amazing run. Unless HRM is telling porkies , averaged 6:45/km today which is on par to what i normally do but i was running at 60%WHR. It was only about 4 miles.
I did go on a short 2.2km run yesterday evening (prior to some corework) could this have helped recovery? (from the ahem long run yesterday morn)
Aug 2007
1:26pm, 6 Aug 2007
836 posts
Well done Pammie, long may your streak continue.:-) Hoping to copy you myself tomorrow!
Aug 2007
3:24pm, 6 Aug 2007
1,974 posts
LSR on Saturday, kept the HR down but it felt hard and slow. I was going to be late back so had to speed up a bit for last 4km to get home at appointed time.
Conversely, Sunday I felt great and as I was doing a sort of hill run the emphasis was on keeping the HR up rather than down. 1km level, 2k up, 2k down, 1 k level.
I have noticed that my Polar footpod cannot accurately register pace when doing a fast descent. It got down to a max pace of 3:21 m/km before rising back to somewhere around 4:40 m/km despite the fact I was still increasing pace. I would love to know exactly how fast I was going.
It feels good to go for a blast every now and then.