Heart rate

301 watchers
Aug 2007
8:44am, 8 Aug 2007
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Su2- you can always mince, that's what I do up the inclines round here! Got it off to a very fine art now, infact its a power mince now!

Hellen, think you're right, will try and put one in a week, and will be slowly increasing the MP section. September will be easier as I can get out 4 times a week, and can also get a treddie session in one night.
Aug 2007
8:47am, 8 Aug 2007
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While you are stuck with three runs per week you can very quickly end up doing more hard runs than easy so I would advise against. Remember the main and most important factor especially for your first marathon is to build that endurance base and that simply means time on feet.

With regard to warm up and cool down I would never let that get below a mile to a mile and a half or to the point where you are sweating freely.

I would start to factor in a bit more MP running when you have more sessions to play with if I were you. However, there is nothing wrong with extending the one you are doing if you feel ready to do that, just take it steady and be careful.

Make sure you get the steady sessions in, you are doing very well with these and it is important to keep up this momentum. :-)
Aug 2007
8:51am, 8 Aug 2007
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Come on in, the water's lovely. :-)

I think you would benefit greatly Su by building your endurance. Funnily enough once you get the hang of running slowly up hill you get quite good at hill running. You will only be walking for a little while, once it starts to work you will love the feeling of having to push up the pace on the flat to keep UP near 70%WHR.

Su, one speed sesh per week and all the rest nice and steady would see you come on in leaps and bounds, not feeling tired and loving the running. :-)
Aug 2007
8:51am, 8 Aug 2007
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Cheers Ian, I looked at me plan and thought I could use the extra session as a MP one, and keep the others to the sub 70% plus the LSr on a Saturday.

I might try and push the pace a tiny bit tomorrow to get a bit closer to 70% to see if I can go a bit quicker without going over.

According to the Calculator, My training paces are quicker than the ones suggested for a 4:45 marathon, so feeling confident I can do that.
Aug 2007
8:52am, 8 Aug 2007
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Oh and speaking of hills, we have nowt but hills where I live. I'm going for a lunchtime recovery run today - in Matlock, erm yes, there are hills here too. :-)
Aug 2007
8:53am, 8 Aug 2007
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Girlie that's excellent! keep up the good work! :-)
Aug 2007
9:37am, 8 Aug 2007
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Ian , the reason why I suggested G did an extra MP run was because I thought she had 3 runs outside and 1 or 2 on treadie. Also, I know that for myself, I did loads of slow running and ended up loosing my speed. as well as doing a slower than hoped for marathon I can no longer do my 10km pace - last year my 10km time was 51, this year on the same course it was 55 (OK I had a bit of a cold that day and it was muddy but that shoudlnt have affected me much).

My turn to ask for advise!!!
Last week I did 48 miles (a record for me), the week before 45, the week before was on hols so was a cutback week and just 22. this week is a cutback week as well but willl not be such a drastic cutback. I was planning on doing 12-15 for my LSR (the last 2 weeks were 18 to 20) but then wondered if perhaps I could sneak in an extra slightly faster session so instead of doing say 12 miles at LSR pace do 10 miles at close to HM pace so that it is kind of a race? Last night was clubnight which was 72% although there were fastish bits but the stopping and starting brings the HR down, Thur I will do intervals but the rest of my runs will be below 70%.
A lot of the schedules have races in them so I was thinking of doing a pretend race on sunday, partly as a confidence thing really as I still feel that I can only run slowely. I am prob doing a 10 mile race in 3 weeks (my next cutback week) so it wil be a good practice as well. I dont think I will go 100% at the 10 mile race, will just be doing it because it is a club league race so get points for my club just for finishing.
Aug 2007
9:40am, 8 Aug 2007
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I'd say do what makes you feel good hellen, but a cut back week is intended to be that - don't replace your long run with a harder midweek run, kind of defies the object!
Aug 2007
12:48pm, 8 Aug 2007
321 posts
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Did a recovery run today 57% WHR
7:03 (122)

6:43 (126)

6:28 (133)

6;41 (138)

6:31 (135)

6;35 (139)

4.08 miles splits above are km splits
70% for me is 150.3, i was wondering today should i try to increase the pace, next time but keep it under 70%. I suppose i should, shouldn't i ?
Aug 2007
1:02pm, 8 Aug 2007
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Pammie- excellent run! That's what I did this last week, did one at 56%, then the next time increased the pace slightly and have been at 65% ever since!

I have a very quick reaction time though, so can't increase by much as I overshoot 70% within a dozen steps if I'm not careful!

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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