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Heart rate

1 lurker | 302 watchers
Aug 2007
8:36am, 3 Aug 2007
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Ran up and down a steep hill last night trying to get my max HR. Got it to 167 which means I should really be about my dads age, weird. Anyone else got a very low rate?
Aug 2007
8:36am, 3 Aug 2007
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Intervals last night
5 x 800m on the track (first time I have used teh track this year),

was planning on doing 6 but garmin took a while to get signal so was delayed leaving the house and needed to be at body pump at 6pm so not enough time for 6. Must admit I dont know if I could have managed a sixth one, my legs had had enough. Was a really struggle running the 2 miles (partly uphil) home.
Compared to last time (and the only time) I have done 800s (although I did 6 then) my HR was the same but my pace was 10 secs faster. Dont think that I have improved though cos I had an extra 20secs rest this time, only did 5 intervals and it was on the track rather than the road so no obsticals. Av HR for intervals was 177 (85% is 172)
Then did body pump and had a nice painful massage!!
Aug 2007
8:43am, 3 Aug 2007
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Good work Hellen. :-)

Firekat, you'll get used to it but running to a heart rate is totally different to running to a pace. As a few have said on here, up the hills use tiny baby steps but try to preserve form. The downhills are nice because you can push down them to keep the heart rate up.

TMW - bargain! Nice to see you are having a go with the HRM. :-)

Morning everyone! :-)
Aug 2007
9:51am, 3 Aug 2007
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Morning Ian :-)
Aug 2007
9:52am, 3 Aug 2007
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Morning all. Are we all ready to sing the HR anthem?
Aug 2007
9:53am, 3 Aug 2007
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a one - two - three....
Aug 2007
9:54am, 3 Aug 2007
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Oh say can you see, by the Garmin's early light....
Aug 2007
1:16pm, 3 Aug 2007
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Best run HR-wise today, in a long time

was expecting to struggle as well did 5 x 1km intervals yesterday. It was very warm by the time i got out. Legs still reacting to yesterday.
Not only did i stay under 70% (69% tops)) but i averaged 61 % for entire run. plus my km splits i think were pretty much even.
6:52 6:42 6:40 6:42 6:42 6:37

Call me metronome if you like
Aug 2007
1:21pm, 3 Aug 2007
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you are a metronome if you like Pammie :-)

Well done. :-)

Hello Jude, Princess of Power! :-)

TMW, yes it should help you to make sure yo do get proper recovery in for example and proper hard work too. :-)

Well, no running for me today, going climbing instead. I will do a threshold run tomorrow all being well so that will be another hard sesh. :-)
Aug 2007
9:39pm, 3 Aug 2007
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Oh dear, I have been really bad but thought best to admit it rather than for someone to spot it in my log!!!

I have just bought a book on chi running and after 'chatting' with CT decided to give it a go. Had my proper attempt today on what was meant to be a below 70% run (yesterday was intervals) but unfortunatly I found it hard using this new kind of style to keep my HR down. Av Hr for the run was 74% total distance 7.45miles. Tommorrow will def be a short run below 70%.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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