Have you done your daily physio exercises?

16 watchers
Nov 2012
1:38pm, 5 Nov 2012
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Yes - not sure if it working :-(
Nov 2012
1:41pm, 5 Nov 2012
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Little Nemo - slow-but-steady
Fessed up to my physio this morning that I haven't been doing my exercises. Bad combination of mad overtime and nasty cold meant I missed over a week's worth. Luckily I haven't gone backwards too much. New sets to do so hopefully will be able to stick to them until I go back in 3 weeks.

Nov 2012
10:54am, 6 Nov 2012
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I think they prefer honesty about the exercises rather than hearing someone saying they have done all of them when they clearly haven't! I have had a physio say to me that even she struggles to do her exercises, especially when the initial pain or whatever has gone, it's human nature :-)
Exercises done the day.
Nov 2012
11:23am, 6 Nov 2012
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Can I join this thread?

Got to roller my quads and it band and stretch quads and hip flexors daily :-(

After being prodded today [ouch!!], I can do a wee run on friday or saturday (want to park run saturday) and then if that's ok, I am supposed to run till it hurts on monday afternoon before another appointment on tuesday morning.
Nov 2012
11:24am, 6 Nov 2012
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When does everybody tend to find works best for remembering? I'm thinking first thing might be easiest to remember but not a great time for the muscles.

But also before bed might be possible... or just before or after dinner?
Nov 2012
3:24pm, 6 Nov 2012
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Lyns: It depends what kind of exercises you have to do, I like foam rolling in front of the telly, but now I have squats to do and that is even more annoying for anyone else in the room watching tv than my rolling around on the floor.

I don't know why first thing in the morning would not be so good for the muscles, my muscles are warm when I get up. (Not a physio here.)
Nov 2012
3:24pm, 6 Nov 2012
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PS welcome to the thread :)
Nov 2012
6:58pm, 6 Nov 2012
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thanks for the welcome - my muscles are stiff and clunky in the morning.. I tried morning yoga for a bit but can't really do it, as in i can't touch my toes whereas in the evening i can put my palms on the ground!! - But then i'm a VERY deep sleeper and don't move much in my sleep..
Nov 2012
8:09am, 7 Nov 2012
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Exercises done. Pilates at 8.30 which will hopefully help stretch me out a bit more!
I hope everyone else is doing ok
Nov 2012
9:57am, 11 Nov 2012
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Little Nemo - slow-but-steady
Didn't do anything while I was on holiday so I need to get back on them now. I don't have enough time to do mine in the morning and ideally I'd like to do mine first thing when I get home after work. Doesn't normally work out like that though so sometimes I only get them done just before bed!

About This Thread

Maintained by Little Nemo
I'm not always as good as I should be at doing my daily exercises so this thread is here to make su...

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