Aug 2021
6:27pm, 12 Aug 2021
12,317 posts
I can certainly feel the core muscles working and my arms/shoulders- will hopefully sort out the back boobs 😂
Aug 2021
6:37am, 14 Aug 2021
25,376 posts
Lizzie Whizz
Camping holiday has been rather heavy - no veg and lots of pizza/ice cream...
Aug 2021
7:27am, 14 Aug 2021
12,327 posts
But so much fun Lizzie?.
Aug 2021
2:12pm, 14 Aug 2021
25,380 posts
Lizzie Whizz
Fairly fun, thank you!
Aug 2021
6:09pm, 14 Aug 2021
15,377 posts
Best kind of holiday Lizzie.
Went shopping today and browsed the clothes aisles. Looking at swimwear and remembered I’m going to Mallorca in October for a long weekend. 3 bikinis bought (2 going back) and a cozzie and a bit motivation to sort out the tummy wobbles incoming.
Putting them in the drawer found 3 pairs of 3/4 trousers which were fitting again but now nicely loose!!! This doesn’t help me remember to keep at it.
Packed for a week on the boat 4 days with my parents and aunt & uncle then I will start with a vengeance.
Aug 2021
8:38am, 17 Aug 2021
3,803 posts
Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Checking in to say hello. Unfortunately nothing to report on the weight front from apart from +2lb. I have been on plan for the past 10 days Perhaps I shouldn’t weigh in as all it is do is depressing me.
Aug 2021
9:42am, 17 Aug 2021
34,034 posts
I can report a 1 lb loss this week.
I was really pleased to lose 1.5 stone and felt you could really tell how much slimmer I looked. Now I'm used to that view of myself, I find I'm looking at myself in the mirror and thinking 'I could do with another few pounds off'. 8.5 stone is absolutely fine for a woman of my height but I imagine this is how anorexia can start. I need to remind myself that I look fine and would look scrawny if I were much thinner.
Aug 2021
10:33am, 17 Aug 2021
12,350 posts
It's a slippery slope isn't it LD?
This delivery from Oh's work isn't going to help me
Aug 2021
7:05am, 23 Aug 2021
12,385 posts
Morning all - I need to get a grip so today I will
1. Drink more water 2. Cut out the junk 3. Move more
Small steps but a start
Hope your all well 😁
Aug 2021
7:45am, 23 Aug 2021
3,804 posts
Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
With you on that Mandy All the best - we can do it.